Error message in Adjust selected side

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Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 25, 2010, 2:05:06 PM8/25/10

I allways get an error message when I want to adjust the side dimension of a rectangle polygon by right clicking on the side and select "Adjust selected side" from the context menu.
I tried it with the same effect in the stable and also in different nightly release. Does anyone have the same problem? Is there a chance to fix it?

Kindly regards
GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99 ¿/mtl.!*

Larry Becker

Aug 25, 2010, 2:09:30 PM8/25/10
Hi Arnd,
  Can you show the error message?  "Edit Selected Side" works for me.


Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 25, 2010, 2:10:56 PM8/25/10

I just startet OpenJUMP from the console to catch the console messages and I got this:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" com.vividsolutions.jts.util.AssertionFailedException: If this event is being fired because you are constructing a Layer, cat will be null because you haven't yet added the Layer to the LayerManager. While constructing a layer, you should set firingEvents to false. (Layerable = gewählte Seite)
at com.vividsolutions.jts.util.Assert.isTrue(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.LayerManager.fireLayerChanged(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.AbstractLayerable.fireLayerChanged(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.AbstractLayerable.fireAppearanceChanged(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.Layer$4.featuresChanged(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.LayerManager$
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.GUIUtil.invokeOnEventThread(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.LayerManager.fireLayerEvent(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.LayerManager.fireFeaturesChanged(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.LayerManager.fireFeaturesChanged(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.Layer$2.featuresRemoved(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.ObservableFeatureCollection.fireFeaturesRemoved(
at com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.ObservableFeatureCollection.remove(
at org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.mousemenu.EditSelectedSideDialog.changeSide(
at org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.mousemenu.EditSelectedSideDialog.updateGeo(
at org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.mousemenu.EditSelectedSideDialog.access$400(
at org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.mousemenu.EditSelectedSideDialog$4.focusLost(
at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.focusLost(
at java.awt.Component.processFocusEvent(
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager.redispatchEvent(
at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.typeAheadAssertions(
at java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

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Sunburned Surveyor

Aug 26, 2010, 10:16:24 AM8/26/10

I'll see if I can duplicate your error today.

The Sunburned Surveyor

Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 26, 2010, 10:32:17 AM8/26/10
Thank You, it will be nice.

Could it be that the error causes on some special german characters in the context menu? "Edit Selected Side" is in the german translated version "Ausgewählte Seite ändern".
I do not know, it is my only idea at the moment.

Kindly regards

Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 26, 2010, 10:46:16 AM8/26/10
I just switched my system language from german to english and tried the function "Edit selected side"...and it works perfectly.

Back under german language OJ do not let my edit the values for the sides but brings the error message "Invalid Number Value (Length)" and on the console appears what You can see below.


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Larry Becker

Aug 26, 2010, 11:05:00 AM8/26/10
Hi Arnd,

  I seem to remember fixing a non-english version bug in this code recently having to do with number separator formatting (comma vs. period).  Are you using the nightly build or the last release?


Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 26, 2010, 12:02:15 PM8/26/10
Hi Larry,

thanks for the reply.

My productive OJ for every day work is an nightly build from 10th April 2010. But I tried also the last stable release and different other nightly builds. All with the same effect.

Kindly regards

Larry Becker

Aug 26, 2010, 5:45:49 PM8/26/10

  Try it out on tomorrow's nightly build.  I couldn't duplicate your problem (maybe Linux/DE specific), but I put in a fix for the most likely problem.


Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 27, 2010, 5:32:40 AM8/27/10
Thanks a lot Larry!

I hope that I am not the only one who is using Linux (DE) and OpenJUMP so that a mix makes sense!

Kindly regards

Sunburned Surveyor

Aug 27, 2010, 10:48:23 AM8/27/10
Thanks for the help Larry.

Just curioius, which menu entry is used to access this plug-in? I
couldn't find it.

The Sunburned Surveyor

Larry Becker

Aug 27, 2010, 10:52:40 AM8/27/10
Right click on map view window.

Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 27, 2010, 10:58:25 AM8/27/10

I just tested it also on Windows Vista and bring the same error, when the system language is german. There is no prblem, when I switched the system language to english.


Larry Becker

Aug 27, 2010, 11:45:21 AM8/27/10
Hi Arnd,

  I need more information.  I have set my system language to german and still don't duplicate the problem.  Can you tell me exactly what you are doing to get the problem?  I'm starting with a new project, drawing a rectangle, selecting it, choosing Edit Selected Side, and changing the length.



Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 28, 2010, 2:37:04 AM8/28/10
Hi Larry,

that is exactly what I did also. When I than edit the value for length I get the error message (hope my translation is correct) "Invalid Number Value (Length)" one or more times after another by try to edit the value only one time. So I am not able to change the value.

Tested systems:

- Ubuntu 10.04 (32bit, JDK 1.6)
- Ubuntu 9.04 (32bit, JRE 1.6)
- Windows Vista (64bit, JRE 1.6)
- Windows XP (32bit, JRE 1.6)

Tested OJ releases:

- official stable release
- nightly snapshot 10.08.2010

Larry Becker

Aug 30, 2010, 10:20:10 AM8/30/10
Hi Arnd,

  Have you tried the nightly snapshot since my update on 26 August?

@anyone,  Has anyone else duplicated this problem using german (or other) language?


Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 30, 2010, 10:57:06 AM8/30/10
Hello Larry,

I just tried the last snapshot

snapshot-2010-08-26/ 26-Aug-2010 02:12

but with the same problem :-( as described before...

BTW @stefan I cannot find the other new functions (for raster images and the 5 added statistic functions) as written in the changelogs. Do I have to edit the default-plugins.xml or workbench-properties?

Larry Becker

Aug 30, 2010, 11:24:51 AM8/30/10
I think my update occurred after the snapshot was published.  I'm not quite sure when the next snapshot will appear...

Arnd Kielhorn

Aug 30, 2010, 11:30:37 AM8/30/10
Thank You Larry for the info.
I will load the next snapshot when it appears, test and report it.


Stefan Steiniger

Aug 30, 2010, 11:58:27 AM8/30/10
yup, I think the update was after.

Now there is no new snapshot since I added a library and things went
wrong (I forgot to copy the lib to the maven repository). I hope I did
fix it tonight and we have a new built tomorrow. If not, I need to ask
the Intevation guys if they can check what is going wrong.

sorry about that

Arnd Kielhorn schrieb:

Sunburned Surveyor

Sep 7, 2010, 10:34:11 AM9/7/10
to, OpenJump develop and use

I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I saw a build
available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to get a build
of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try out some our
our latest changes/improvements.

The Sunburned Surveyor

Eric Jarvies

Sep 7, 2010, 10:47:50 AM9/7/10
What are some of these latest changes? Will this be an OS X friendly build?



Sep 7, 2010, 10:57:48 AM9/7/10
On 07.09.2010 16:47, Eric Jarvies wrote:
> Will this be an OS X friendly build?

What do you mean by OSX friendly? The launching? There will probably a script based launcher that'll allow you to start oj from oj_home/bin in finder.


Sunburned Surveyor

Sep 7, 2010, 11:25:51 AM9/7/10
Um. Not sure about "mac friendly". If you're already launching
OpenJUMP in the Mac you should be able to just replace the main
OpenJUMP jar file.

I know we had some changes that will allow read only feature
attributes. I think there were also some styling changes. I'll try to
put together some brief release notes when I get the build together.

The Sunburned Surveyor

Eric Jarvies

Sep 7, 2010, 11:25:08 AM9/7/10
The script? If so, yes... that's what I was referring to.



Eric Jarvies

Sep 7, 2010, 11:29:53 AM9/7/10

On Sep 7, 2010, at 9:25 AM, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:

> Um. Not sure about "mac friendly". If you're already launching
> OpenJUMP in the Mac you should be able to just replace the main
> OpenJUMP jar file.


> I know we had some changes that will allow read only feature
> attributes. I think there were also some styling changes. I'll try to
> put together some brief release notes when I get the build together.

What about WMF?

Sunburned Surveyor

Sep 7, 2010, 11:40:48 AM9/7/10
I can't remember if there were changes to WMF since the last release.

I might have to review the archives for the last few weeks to put
together the list of changes for the release notes.


Sep 7, 2010, 2:17:02 PM9/7/10
yes and no. Because mac doesn't recognize the *.sh suffix, I am about to add a openjump.command (internally executing the .sh file) script instead. The .command suffix leads finder to execute it in the terminal app.

.. ede

Eric Jarvies

Sep 7, 2010, 2:30:48 PM9/7/10
oh, nice... so does that mean I will no longer need to manually open Terminal and type in sh I wonder if a .command file can be moved to the dock.


Michaël Michaud

Sep 7, 2010, 2:40:26 PM9/7/10
Le 07/09/2010 16:34, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

> FYI:
> I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I saw a build
> available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to get a build
> of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try out some our
> our latest changes/improvements.
Stefan sent an email to Stefan Holl and Andreas who host the nightly
build. Hope he'll get an answer when it will be back.


Sunburned Surveyor

Sep 7, 2010, 3:13:00 PM9/7/10
OK. I'm working on putting together a current build that will be
available on SourceForge. I'm getting some compile errors in a few of
the files, which I will need to fix first. I'll keep track of which
files are generating the errors so I can see if it is just my Eclipse
set-up, or if I need to commit the fixes. (Check out line 58 and line
62 of the layer manager class for an example of the statements causing
the errors. Not sure what is going on.)

If someone sends me the required files for launching OJ on the Mac,
I'll get them in the nightly build release I am preparing.

The Sunburned Surveyor

2010/9/7 Michaël Michaud <>:

>  Le 07/09/2010 16:34, Sunburned Surveyor a écrit :
>> FYI:
>> I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I saw a build
>> available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to get a build
>> of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try out some our
>> our latest changes/improvements.
> Stefan sent an email to Stefan Holl and Andreas who host the nightly build.
> Hope he'll get an answer when it will be back.

> Michaël

Sep 7, 2010, 3:35:58 PM9/7/10
to, OpenJump develop and use
On 07.09.2010 21:13, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> If someone sends me the required files for launching OJ on the Mac,
> I'll get them in the nightly build release I am preparing.

In the course of making the gps extension working on different plattforms I checked and extended the linux script. Created a script for OSX. Did you read the '[JPP-Devel] configurable cross-platform OJ launching' thread? Suggestion was:

> A) script model
> - new user-friendly script names (oj_win.bat,,oj_mac.command)
> - adding a mac script which essentially calls the linux shell script (see attachement, it's tested on OSX 10.4&10.6 should I put it in the svn?)
> - rework windows batch to be one file only again (less files for the user to wonder about)

To go on with this I would suggest (what's still todo)
- testing the new linux script by second party, who is willing?
- testing on OSX 10.4 and 10.6 (of the recent changes)
then continue with the renamed scripts for the new release.

I could actually put them on the svn, when they are stable, my rights should be sufficient.

regards ede

Sep 7, 2010, 3:49:41 PM9/7/10
I will check that :) .. if not we might find a workaround for that. Good idea ;)


Sunburned Surveyor

Sep 7, 2010, 3:55:58 PM9/7/10
I can test the Linux script on Ubuntu. I'm just putting together a
nightly build, so we don't have to have the launcher issue completely
resolved. Mostly experienced folks use the nightly build. But it is
something we should test before use on the official release Stefan
will put together later this fall.

At any rate, I'll put whatever new luanch scripts are ready in the
nightly build I'm packaging if I can access them.


Michaël Michaud

Sep 7, 2010, 4:44:59 PM9/7/10
Hi Landon,

Le 07/09/2010 21:13, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

> OK. I'm working on putting together a current build that will be
> available on SourceForge. I'm getting some compile errors in a few of
> the files, which I will need to fix first. I'll keep track of which
> files are generating the errors so I can see if it is just my Eclipse
> set-up, or if I need to commit the fixes. (Check out line 58 and line
> 62 of the layer manager class for an example of the statements causing
> the errors. Not sure what is going on.)

Are you in sync with the svn repository.
I'm in sync and get no error message (but many warnings)


> If someone sends me the required files for launching OJ on the Mac,
> I'll get them in the nightly build release I am preparing.
> The Sunburned Surveyor

> 2010/9/7 Micha�l Michaud<>:
>> Le 07/09/2010 16:34, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

>>> FYI:
>>> I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I saw a build
>>> available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to get a build
>>> of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try out some our
>>> our latest changes/improvements.
>> Stefan sent an email to Stefan Holl and Andreas who host the nightly build.
>> Hope he'll get an answer when it will be back.

>> Micha�l

Sunburned Surveyor

Sep 7, 2010, 5:21:06 PM9/7/10
I updated my local repository to head before I tried the build.

Here is what I found on line 58 of the LayerManager class:

<<<<<<< .mine

Here is what I found on line 62:

>>>>>>> .r2048

Not sure where that stuff is coming from. I will try another update to
see if it fixes the problem.

The Sunburned Surveyor

2010/9/7 Michaël Michaud <>:
>  Hi Landon,

> Le 07/09/2010 21:13, Sunburned Surveyor a écrit :
>> OK. I'm working on putting together a current build that will be
>> available on SourceForge. I'm getting some compile errors in a few of
>> the files, which I will need to fix first. I'll keep track of which
>> files are generating the errors so I can see if it is just my Eclipse
>> set-up, or if I need to commit the fixes. (Check out line 58 and line
>> 62 of the layer manager class for an example of the statements causing
>> the errors. Not sure what is going on.)
> Are you in sync with the svn repository.
> I'm in sync and get no error message (but many warnings)

> Michaël

>> If someone sends me the required files for launching OJ on the Mac,
>> I'll get them in the nightly build release I am preparing.
>> The Sunburned Surveyor

>> 2010/9/7 Michaël Michaud<>:

>>>  Le 07/09/2010 16:34, Sunburned Surveyor a écrit :
>>>> FYI:
>>>> I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I saw a build
>>>> available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to get a build
>>>> of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try out some our
>>>> our latest changes/improvements.
>>> Stefan sent an email to Stefan Holl and Andreas who host the nightly
>>> build.
>>> Hope he'll get an answer when it will be back.

>>> Michaël

Michaël Michaud

Sep 7, 2010, 5:43:10 PM9/7/10

I think this file is showing a conlict between your file and the file in
the repository.

Your svn client should have a way to resolve conflicts by comitting your
local version, keeping the repository version, or trying to mix both.
The safer way is to accept remote version, except if you know you made
local changes you want to commit.


Le 07/09/2010 23:21, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

> I updated my local repository to head before I tried the build.
> Here is what I found on line 58 of the LayerManager class:
> <<<<<<< .mine
> Here is what I found on line 62:
>>>>>>>> .r2048
> Not sure where that stuff is coming from. I will try another update to
> see if it fixes the problem.
> The Sunburned Surveyor

> 2010/9/7 Micha�l Michaud<>:
>> Hi Landon,
>> Le 07/09/2010 21:13, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

>>> OK. I'm working on putting together a current build that will be
>>> available on SourceForge. I'm getting some compile errors in a few of
>>> the files, which I will need to fix first. I'll keep track of which
>>> files are generating the errors so I can see if it is just my Eclipse
>>> set-up, or if I need to commit the fixes. (Check out line 58 and line
>>> 62 of the layer manager class for an example of the statements causing
>>> the errors. Not sure what is going on.)
>> Are you in sync with the svn repository.
>> I'm in sync and get no error message (but many warnings)

>> Micha�l

>>> If someone sends me the required files for launching OJ on the Mac,
>>> I'll get them in the nightly build release I am preparing.
>>> The Sunburned Surveyor

>>> 2010/9/7 Micha�l Michaud<>:
>>>> Le 07/09/2010 16:34, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

>>>>> FYI:
>>>>> I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I saw a build
>>>>> available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to get a build
>>>>> of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try out some our
>>>>> our latest changes/improvements.
>>>> Stefan sent an email to Stefan Holl and Andreas who host the nightly
>>>> build.
>>>> Hope he'll get an answer when it will be back.

>>>> Micha�l

Giuseppe Aruta

Sep 7, 2010, 5:56:21 PM9/7/10
Hi all,
sorry if I come into discussion now but I am very buzy on these days: I will probabily repeat things already discussed.
This is my  point of view:

I vote to add the openjump.command file into the OJ/Bin folder of Nightly builds.
This file is basically the  same file "" renemed as "openjump.command" (a Unix console script). This helps a lot new Mac Users.
On this same way program menus, text and windows dimension, etc of MacJava programs can be (quite) easly modified using the script. This will probabily help to test new configurastions of OJ and plugins on Mac.

I would like to have a couple of icons (.ico and .png) into the NB. Just in case the user would add OJ to the OS desktop.

Instead of OS launcers with an INI files, i would rather consider the same scrip a script/INI system, similar to Gvsig and Kosmo. It seems to me the more easy and pratical way (different OS launcher would get to different distributions?)


--- Mar 7/9/10, Michaël Michaud <> ha scritto:

Da: Michaël Michaud <>
Oggetto: Re: [openjump-users] Error message in Adjust selected side
Data: Martedì 7 settembre 2010, 22:44

  Hi Landon,

Le 07/09/2010 21:13, Sunburned Surveyor a écrit :
> OK. I'm working on putting together a current build that will be
> available on SourceForge. I'm getting some compile errors in a few of
> the files, which I will need to fix first. I'll keep track of which
> files are generating the errors so I can see if it is just my Eclipse
> set-up, or if I need to commit the fixes. (Check out line 58 and line
> 62 of the layer manager class for an example of the statements causing
> the errors. Not sure what is going on.)
Are you in sync with the svn repository.
I'm in sync and get no error message (but many warnings)


> If someone sends me the required files for launching OJ on the Mac,
> I'll get them in the nightly build release I am preparing.
> The Sunburned Surveyor
> 2010/9/7 Michaël Michaud<>:

>>   Le 07/09/2010 16:34, Sunburned Surveyor a écrit :
>>> FYI:
>>> I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I saw a build
>>> available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to get a build
>>> of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try out some our
>>> our latest changes/improvements.
>> Stefan sent an email to Stefan Holl and Andreas who host the nightly build.
>> Hope he'll get an answer when it will be back.
>> Michaël

Larry Becker

Sep 7, 2010, 6:03:44 PM9/7/10
This thread is rambling a little since it was hijacked 9 days ago.  :-)

Stefan Steiniger

Sep 8, 2010, 8:26:15 PM9/8/10
Hei Larry,

thanks for reminding us to change the subject if we hijack topics ;)


Larry Becker wrote:
> This thread is rambling a little since it was hijacked 9 days ago. :-)
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Giuseppe Aruta <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> sorry if I come into discussion now but I am very buzy on these
> days: I will probabily repeat things already discussed.
> This is my point of view:
> I vote to add the openjump.command file into the OJ/Bin folder of
> Nightly builds.
> This file is basically the same file "" renemed as
> "openjump.command" (a Unix console script). This helps a lot new Mac
> Users.
> On this same way program menus, text and windows dimension, etc of
> MacJava programs can be (quite) easly modified using the script.
> This will probabily help to test new configurastions of OJ and
> plugins on Mac.
> I would like to have a couple of icons (.ico and .png) into the NB.
> Just in case the user would add OJ to the OS desktop.
> Instead of OS launcers with an INI files, i would rather consider
> the same scrip a script/INI system, similar to Gvsig and Kosmo. It
> seems to me the more easy and pratical way (different OS launcher
> would get to different distributions?)
> Peppe

> --- *Mar 7/9/10, Micha�l Michaud /<
> <>>/* ha scritto:
> Da: Micha�l Michaud <
> <>>

> Oggetto: Re: [openjump-users] Error message in Adjust selected side
> A:

> <>
> Data: Marted� 7 settembre 2010, 22:44
> Hi Landon,
> Le 07/09/2010 21:13, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

> > OK. I'm working on putting together a current build that will be
> > available on SourceForge. I'm getting some compile errors in
> a few of
> > the files, which I will need to fix first. I'll keep track of
> which
> > files are generating the errors so I can see if it is just my
> Eclipse
> > set-up, or if I need to commit the fixes. (Check out line 58
> and line
> > 62 of the layer manager class for an example of the
> statements causing
> > the errors. Not sure what is going on.)
> Are you in sync with the svn repository.
> I'm in sync and get no error message (but many warnings)

> Micha�l

> > If someone sends me the required files for launching OJ on
> the Mac,
> > I'll get them in the nightly build release I am preparing.
> >
> > The Sunburned Surveyor
> >

> > 2010/9/7 Micha�l Michaud<
> <http://mc/compose?>>:
> >> Le 07/09/2010 16:34, Sunburned Surveyor a �crit :

> >>> FYI:
> >>>
> >>> I still think the nightly build is broken. The last time I
> saw a build
> >>> available for download was 2010-08-26. I'm going to try to
> get a build
> >>> of the current SVN up on the web today so people can try
> out some our
> >>> our latest changes/improvements.
> >> Stefan sent an email to Stefan Holl and Andreas who host the
> nightly build.
> >> Hope he'll get an answer when it will be back.
> >>

> >> Micha�l
> >>
> >

Arnd Kielhorn

Sep 21, 2010, 8:36:52 AM9/21/10

I will try to post my questions about the faulty function "adjust selected side" again here. After my first trial to post it here this topic was entered with another questions.

Here is again the description:
Draw a polygon or rectangle and select the rectangle. Than make a right click on the side You want to adjust and choose the command "adjust selected side" (hope it is the correct translation) from the context menu.
I tried this function under Ubuntu and also under Windows with the same error "Invalid Number Value (Length)" and so I cannot adjust the sides.

I found this error in the last stable release and also in the nightly snapshots.

Kindly regards

######### topic contents before the topic was entered ############

Thank You Larry for the info.
I will load the next snapshot when it appears, test and report it.


> I think my update occurred after the snapshot was published. I'm not

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Jetzt freischalten!

Larry Becker

Sep 21, 2010, 9:27:37 AM9/21/10
Hi Arnd,

  I will try again to fix this problem.  So far I have set my language to DE in an attempt to duplicate it.  I have removed the thousands numeric separator in the length edit box.  But I still couldn't duplicate the problem and the problem still exists for you.  Does anyone else have any ideas?


Stefan Steiniger

Sep 21, 2010, 12:43:10 PM9/21/10
Hei Arnd,

I just tried on my german/swiss Windows XP - using "edit selected side"
(is that the correct function?). It works for me in german for OJ 1.3.1,
the SVN version (#2055) and the NB from 26th August. For the latter i
did not change any language settings and it start in german by default.

seems to be a tricky one that replicates only on your particular computer?

shortly online.

Arnd Kielhorn schrieb:

Sep 21, 2010, 12:46:16 PM9/21/10
On 21.09.2010 18:43, Stefan Steiniger wrote:
> seems to be a tricky one that replicates only on your particular computer?

or your specific data set?


Larry Becker

Sep 21, 2010, 12:48:10 PM9/21/10
It can't be the data (can it?) since we are both creating a rectangle from scratch in a new layer.


Sep 21, 2010, 1:02:34 PM9/21/10
Arnd could you replicate the error on a second machine? And it disappears when your locale is set to something different than de ?

.. ede

On 21.09.2010 18:48, Larry Becker wrote:
> It can't be the data (can it?) since we are both creating a rectangle from scratch in a new layer.
> Larry

Arnd Kielhorn

Sep 21, 2010, 1:04:56 PM9/21/10
Hi Stefan,

I can replicate that problem on 5 or 6 different computers with different OS but all in german language settings...hmmm
It seems really tricky...


Arnd Kielhorn

Sep 21, 2010, 1:14:36 PM9/21/10
to specific data sets

...just create a new layer and than draw a polygon or rectangle and try this function to adjust/edit the length or the angle of a side...

...the same when I try it with polygons from existing layers from files...

I think that it is a problem with some characters as Larry said few weeks before.

When I start OpenJUMP from the console to catch the console messages and I got this when I use the function:

GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99 Euro/mtl.!*

Arnd Kielhorn

Sep 21, 2010, 1:16:04 PM9/21/10

Yes...I switched the OS to english and the function works fine...


Larry Becker

Sep 21, 2010, 2:08:34 PM9/21/10

  Can you attach a screen capture of your Regional settings control panel?


Sep 21, 2010, 2:43:45 PM9/21/10
Larry & Stefan,

I can reproduce the error. Funny thing is entering values without comma ',' for the angles works fine, not for the length though. Unfortunately the panel refreshes the input boxes to '##,0' thereafter so the error comes up again on the next focus lost event.

Another hint might be that swizz german number formatting is 123'456.789 opposed to german 123.456,789 according to

Giving the java runtime option
switches to english locale and shows all values as ##.## and works fine.

Larry/Stefan did you try switching only the locale of the java runtime eg. -Duser.language=de ? This should trigger the problem for you.

.. ede

On 21.09.2010 20:08, Larry Becker wrote:
> Arnd,
> Can you attach a screen capture of your Regional settings control panel?
> Larry

Larry Becker

Sep 21, 2010, 3:19:39 PM9/21/10
Thanks ede.  I was using the jump -i18n DE option.  With the -Duser.language=de jvm option, I can reproduce the error and should commit a fix as soon as I find one.


Sep 21, 2010, 3:43:52 PM9/21/10
sure. Would you mind to elaborate the cause when you've found it? Maybe on the dev list. A quick glance at the plugins dialog class didn't really gave me any clues why this should happen. Maybe while touching it you could change the caught exception into a handled-throwable dialog. There are more informative while maintaining end user friendliness.


On 21.09.2010 21:19, Larry Becker wrote:
> Thanks ede. I was using the jump -i18n DE option. With the -Duser.language=de jvm option, I can reproduce the error and should commit a fix as soon as I find one.
> Larry

> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:43 PM, < <>> wrote:
> Larry & Stefan,
> I can reproduce the error. Funny thing is entering values without comma ',' for the angles works fine, not for the length though. Unfortunately the panel refreshes the input boxes to '##,0' thereafter so the error comes up again on the next focus lost event.
> Another hint might be that swizz german number formatting is 123'456.789 opposed to german 123.456,789 according to
> Giving the java runtime option
> -Duser.language=en
> switches to english locale and shows all values as ##.## and works fine.
> Larry/Stefan did you try switching only the locale of the java runtime eg. -Duser.language=de ? This should trigger the problem for you.
> .. ede
> On 21.09.2010 20:08, Larry Becker wrote:
> Arnd,
> Can you attach a screen capture of your Regional settings control panel?
> Larry

Larry Becker

Sep 21, 2010, 4:25:46 PM9/21/10
OK, I have committed a fix to Edit Selected Side.  The problem was with converting numbers to text with locale based formatting, but converting text to numbers without the same.  I would go further with the error handling, but I am not the original author.

Thanks for the patience.  Who knows how many more of these lurk in the code-base?  Arnd, you might want to try out some of the other similar dialogs.  Fortunately, most of the dialogs are based on MultiInputDialog, which seems to be OK.


Sep 21, 2010, 4:39:27 PM9/21/10
I see the problem now. But I am not sure about the solution. What is the OJ wide default for number formatting? A fixed ##.## as the plugin defines or the locale defined? In case of the latter I'd vote for re-enabling the locale based formatting and format the output.

sorry for being picky, ede

ps: any comment on the launcher issue?

On 21.09.2010 22:25, Larry Becker wrote:
> OK, I have committed a fix to Edit Selected Side. The problem was with converting numbers to text with locale based formatting, but converting text to numbers without the same. I would go further with the error handling, but I am not the original author.
> Thanks for the patience. Who knows how many more of these lurk in the code-base? Arnd, you might want to try out some of the other similar dialogs. Fortunately, most of the dialogs are based on MultiInputDialog, which seems to be OK.
> regards,
> Larry

> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 2:43 PM, < <>> wrote:
> sure. Would you mind to elaborate the cause when you've found it? Maybe on the dev list. A quick glance at the plugins dialog class didn't really gave me any clues why this should happen. Maybe while touching it you could change the caught exception into a handled-throwable dialog. There are more informative while maintaining end user friendliness.
> ..ede
> On 21.09.2010 21:19, Larry Becker wrote:
> > Thanks ede. I was using the jump -i18n DE option. With the -Duser.language=de jvm option, I can reproduce the error and should commit a fix as soon as I find one.
> >
> > Larry
> >

> > On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 1:43 PM, < <> < <>>> wrote:
> >
> > Larry & Stefan,
> >
> > I can reproduce the error. Funny thing is entering values without comma ',' for the angles works fine, not for the length though. Unfortunately the panel refreshes the input boxes to '##,0' thereafter so the error comes up again on the next focus lost event.
> >
> > Another hint might be that swizz german number formatting is 123'456.789 opposed to german 123.456,789 according to
> >
> >
> > Giving the java runtime option
> > -Duser.language=en
> > switches to english locale and shows all values as ##.## and works fine.
> >
> > Larry/Stefan did you try switching only the locale of the java runtime eg. -Duser.language=de ? This should trigger the problem for you.
> > .. ede
> >
> >
> >
> > On 21.09.2010 20:08, Larry Becker wrote:
> >
> > Arnd,
> >
> > Can you attach a screen capture of your Regional settings control panel?
> >
> > Larry
> >

Arnd Kielhorn

Sep 21, 2010, 4:42:51 PM9/21/10
Larry, Stefan and Ede...Thanks to You!

I am really glad that You now can reproduce the error and found a solution. At the moment I cannot find any other errors like this in other dialogs.

It would be great if the You could give response when the solution is implemented in the nightly snapshot. BTW whats about the nightly snapshots...?

Thank You again

GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99 Euro/mtl.!*

Larry Becker

Sep 21, 2010, 5:10:19 PM9/21/10
DecimalFormat seems to take the ###.## and reformat it using the default locale.  At least on my PC I got "," as a decimal separator when I set the -Duser.language=de.

sorry for being picky, ede
no problem.  programmers are supposed to be picky.  :-)

ps: any comment on the launcher issue?
which issue is that?


Sep 21, 2010, 5:33:50 PM9/21/10
On 21.09.2010 23:10, Larry Becker wrote:
> DecimalFormat seems to take the ###.## and reformat it using the default locale. At least on my PC I got "," as a decimal separator when I set the -Duser.language=de.

so no possibility to have the locale format in the input boxes?

> sorry for being picky, ede
> no problem. programmers are supposed to be picky. :-)

pick pick :)

> ps: any comment on the launcher issue?
> which issue is that?

.. ede

> Larry

> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 3:39 PM, < <>> wrote:
> I see the problem now. But I am not sure about the solution. What is the OJ wide default for number formatting? A fixed ##.## as the plugin defines or the locale defined? In case of the latter I'd vote for re-enabling the locale based formatting and format the output.
> sorry for being picky, ede
> ps: any comment on the launcher issue?
> On 21.09.2010 22:25, Larry Becker wrote:
> > OK, I have committed a fix to Edit Selected Side. The problem was with converting numbers to text with locale based formatting, but converting text to numbers without the same. I would go further with the error handling, but I am not the original author.
> >
> > Thanks for the patience. Who knows how many more of these lurk in the code-base? Arnd, you might want to try out some of the other similar dialogs. Fortunately, most of the dialogs are based on MultiInputDialog, which seems to be OK.
> >
> > regards,
> > Larry
> >

Larry Becker

Sep 21, 2010, 5:55:54 PM9/21/10
so no possibility to have the locale format in the input boxes?
??? I thought it was formatted by locale.

I'm OK with replacing the old scripts.

Sep 22, 2010, 5:12:18 AM9/22/10
On 21.09.2010 23:55, Larry Becker wrote:
> so no possibility to have the locale format in the input boxes?
> ??? I thought it was formatted by locale.

Do I misread lines 188,189 in ?

private DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("##0.0#");
private DecimalFormat df3 = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.0##");

Format seems to be hardcoded there.


Larry Becker

Sep 22, 2010, 9:07:36 AM9/22/10
I don't know how it works, but it seems to work.  Have you tried it yet?


Sep 22, 2010, 10:34:37 AM9/22/10
Did it now. Numbers are formatted ##,## and it seems to work seemlessly. Thanks to Stefan's howto mavenbuild a snapshot ;)

Hence I take everything back and state the opposite,thanks Larry .. ede

On 22.09.2010 15:07, Larry Becker wrote:
> I don't know how it works, but it seems to work. Have you tried it yet?
> Larry

> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 4:12 AM, < <>> wrote:
> On 21.09.2010 23:55, Larry Becker wrote:
> so no possibility to have the locale format in the input boxes?
> ??? I thought it was formatted by locale.
> Do I misread lines 188,189 in ?

> <>

Arnd Kielhorn

Sep 27, 2010, 2:58:20 AM9/27/10

also this bug seems to be solved. In the new nightly builds for version 1.4 it is possible to edit selected sides (reaching this function in the context menu by rightcklick on a selected side).
Thanks a lot!!

Kindly regards

GMX DSL SOMMER-SPECIAL: Surf & Phone Flat 16.000 für nur 19,99 Euro/mtl.!*

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