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Modelling Language

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Jake Snyder

Mar 22, 2023, 11:05:20 AM3/22/23
This week we will be having some discussions around modelling language.  Last week I had a discussion with the folks who build and maintain a lot of the openconfig tooling, and they had STRONG opinions that unless we really need to implement YANG  to talk to equipment that understands YANG (which we don't) that they would recommend using a different modeling language for OpenIntent.

From their perspective, there are a couple of very robust modelling languages that we can leverage.

- JSON Schema
- Protobuf

And some general research shows that these may also be a good fit:
- Typeschema

If you have time, please take a look at the meeting notes for this week, review the links to jsonschema and protobuf. Feel free to comment on the notes, or put a discussion topic. 

Thank you


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