OpenId parameters end of line characters

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Frederic Esnault

Mar 31, 2012, 12:49:20 PM3/31/12
to OpenID4Java
Hello every one.
I'm working currently on CAS openId support module and noticed a
problem with the parameters we sent. We actually used \r\n to end the
parameters lines, which was wrong but in the process of fixing this, I
saw that openid4java was rejecting paremeters containing \r also. This
is not compliant with the openid specs. I saw another post somewhere
on the net about this, so is it a known problem with the openid4java
Is this going to be fixed?
In the current state of the openid4java lib, the cas openid support
module cannot be released in a spec-compiant way, so I'm wondering if
this is going to be addressed soon.

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