In a survey of House and Senate standing committee websites this week, I
found the following. Note that I counted hearings separately from markup
sessions and business meetings.
Hearing Webcasts: The vast majority (31 of 35) of committees make
archives of video webcasts of hearings regularly available on their
websites, in what appeared to be a very timely way. The videos are
pretty poor quality by today's standards, but it's still very useful.
The exceptions were Senate Foreign Relations, House Agriculture, House
Appropriations, House Rules, and House Ways and Means which lacked video
archives. House Agriculture makes it up by providing transcripts...
after several months; the other four committees provide no electronic
record of hearings.
It appeared that most also have live webcasts of most hearings, but I
couldn't tell just from looking at the websites once.
Hearing Transcripts: Transcripts were surprisingly hard to come by.
Senate Armed Services, Senate Rules, Senate Veterans' Affairs, and House
Energy and Commerce seemed to be the only committees that provided
transcripts regularly. (That's 4 of 35 committees.) Considering the
importance of transcripts for disability accessibility and machine
processing (e.g. search), this is too bad.
Hearing Prepared Testimony & Statements: PDFs and other document formats
were used to post prepared statements and testimony --- this almost
makes up for not having transcripts. Four committees lacked even this,
and of those none were among the committees that posted transcripts.
House Appropriations and House Rules posted neither video, nor
transcripts, nor prepared statements. The other two at least posted videos.
For hearings, by and large there is an electronic record available, and
if you can find a record you can find video.
I counted markup sessions and business meetings separately from
hearings. Electronic records were far less common for these meetings.
Markups: About half of the committees posted archival videos for these
business meetings. Of those that didn't, one posted transcripts. That
leaves 18 out of 35 posting no electronic record of these meetings. The
notable committee here is House Judiciary, which posts both transcripts
and video of business meetings.
A similar survey for Senate committees was done just about a year ago by
someone else on this list who might want to remain anonymous on this
point (I'm not sure). In comparison to that survey, more Senate
committees are posting hearing archival video now, which is great. Less
than half were regularly posting archival audio/video then, and now the
vast majority are posting video. As for markups, just two of 16 Senate
committees were posting recordings of markups regularly then, with a few
more posting them irregularly, and some transcripts. So it is nice to
see that Senate committees are moving more of this information online as
One note, some committees display a note at the starts of their videos:
"The use of duplications of broadcast coverage of the Committee on
Transportation is governed by the rules of the House. Use for political
or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited." I hope no one takes
that message seriously, and I wonder what legal basis this message has.
I don't believe I am subject to the rules of the House.
This topic goes a long way back, and normally I'd include links, but I
think I'll just leave this email as the state of today.
- Josh Tauberer
- CivicImpulse / | |
"Members of both sides are reminded not to use guests of the
House as props."
Hi Josh,
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Josh Tauberer
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 1:26 PM
Subject: [openhouseproject] Committee Webcast Archives Review: I See Progress
One of the continuing themes of the OHP and OSP projects has been
I do now:
with Jim and Aphid's comments in there as well.
On 11/10/2009 02:39 PM, J.H. Snider wrote:
> I went to the House Commerce Committee website and tried to download
> the video record of its last two hearings
Yeah, I figured there would be a few bad links. I checked many of the
links for recent hearings/meetings but not all of them.
On 11/10/2009 02:49 PM, aphid wrote:
> is a survey of video
> formats available by each committee. It's wiki, feel free to
> extend/correct/revise/redact.
Oops, I guess I duplicated some effort. Thanks for pointing it out. I
noted it in the blog post and will see if I have anything in my
spreadsheet to add.
From: Josh Tauberer []
Sent: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 18:42:14 -0500
Subject: [openhouseproject] Re: Committee Webcast Archives Review: I See Progress