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Will Johnston

Feb 14, 2008, 8:50:31 AM2/14/08
to Open House Project
I thought some of you would be interested a website I recently
launched. I'm syndicating nearly all of the RSS feeds from the
Presidential campaigns, Members of Congress, and the White House. If
you want info from a particular politician, you can just go to
"". For example, will give
you the content for all of Obama's feeds, Twitters, YouTube videos,
blog posts, Flickr photos, everything. Of course, you can limit your
view to particular types of items. If you want to see only blog posts
by House members, you can go to

Appending "/rss" onto the end of any url will give you the rss feed
for the items on that page. You can also subscribe to the feeds
individually or create a custom feed. For example, you could put
together videos from Pelosi with blog posts from McCain and press
releases from Boehner.

One of the benefits of the site is that it has feeds from Members of
Congress that are almost impossible to find. I'm pretty sure that some
of the offices aren't aware that their CMS is generating a feed.

If you happen to check out the site and have a problem or an idea for
how it could be improved, I'd love to hear your suggestions.

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