Re: [openhab] Re: GPIO binding: handling of the non-standard pin names on the cubieboard

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Dec 19, 2014, 3:50:34 AM12/19/14
to Boris Holscher,
Yes, it should be on github. Will try to make pull request later

From Meizu MX4

-------- Оригинальное сообщение --------
От:Boris Holscher <>
Дата:чт 12/18 21:56
Тема:Re: [openhab] Re: GPIO binding: handling of the non-standard pin names on the cubieboard

Thanks again, Muchacho and Alexandr! I finally made it. I put the argument (-Dgpio.altAddrFile=/etc/openhab/configurations/pins.conf) into the init.d script and now it's working (don't know why it didn't work in the /etc/default/openhab). Just great to see the litte test LED turn on and off. I wonder if this GPIO patch shouldn't make it into the GIT repository? It should work with either type of board, Raspberry Pi and sunxi kernel boards, shouldn't it?


Dec 19, 2014, 11:21:20 AM12/19/14
to Dancho Penev,
Ok, thanks. I will let you know when i test it

From Meizu MX4

-------- Оригинальное сообщение --------
От:Dancho Penev <>
Дата:пт 12/19 09:47

Тема:Re: [openhab] Re: GPIO binding: handling of the non-standard pin names on the cubieboard

FYI, a couple of days ago I created a poll request with some enhancements to GPIO binding, one of them addresses the issue with All Winner devices. I introduced a new map file originally for creating aliases for pin numbers, in this way you could use more user friendly names in the configuration instead of raw kernel numbers. I also added an optional third column for sysfs suffix in this map. The poll request isn't merged yet to master branch, if you want to play with new functionality you have to compile the code yourself. Clone and build the packages in usual way. To configure the pin map create a new directory named "pinmaps" in openHAB's "configurations" directory and create a file with extension .pinmap there. It should contains three columns, the first one is user friendly name which will be used in item configuration file instead of number, the second one is the corresponding pin number and the third one is sysfs suffix. The fields can be separated with any number of spaces and/or tabs. To use this pinmap file add option "gpio:pinmap=BOARD" (where BOARD is the name of the file without its extension) in GPIO section of "configurations/openhab.cfg". If you are tested it please provide some feedback, also you can share your pinmap file to be included in the distribution. 
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