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Will look like this when complete (let me know if this doesn't work for you):
master: latest clone of upstream master I'm working with
integration: master + stable state of all of my bindings (this is mostly just for my use)
insteonhub: master + Insteon Hub Binding dev
radiothermostat: master + Radio Thermostat Binding dev
sharptv: master + Sharp TV binding dev
yamahareceiver: master + Yamaha Receiver binding dev
I'm planning to buy a few more unsupported devices in the future as well, so I'll just continue to follow this workflow for new bindings in my repo... if it works for you guys, that is.
Number Kueche_NetRadio "Net Radio" <netRadio> { yamahareceiver="uid=EG, zone=main, bindingType=netRadio" }
Selection item=Kueche_NetRadio label="Sender" mappings=[1="N Joy", 2="Radio Sport", 3="RDU", 4="91ZM", 5="Hauraki"]