- launching Monday, Feb. 10th - help us ask a question before launch

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David Moore :: OpenGovernment

Feb 7, 2014, 11:24:10 AM2/7/14

Hi Google Group, haven't hollered since September. Big news: our next major project is ready to preview. 

Excited to say that AskThem is now live, ahead of our public launch this Monday, Feb. 10th. 

AskThem is a free & open-source website for questions-and-answers with every elected official, plus verified Twitter accounts. Non-profit & non-partisan, with open data. 

It's like a version of White House's "We The People" petition platform for over 142,000 elected officials nationwide: federal, state, county & municipal levels of government. 

Check it out - hope you can ask a question now, so that people in your city & state can see it when we launch ::

... see questions and petitions to elected officials at every level of government nationwide ::

... for any elected officials and their staff in your network - or any verified Twitter account - they can sign up for free here to respond to popular public questions that reach the signature threshold, about one per month::

... let us know what you think! Looking forward to continual, structured dialogue with public figures. 

Please feel free to forward widely. Questions & feedback welcome, will share some updates on analytics from our launch week next week. More about us in this latest launch version - updates to come from our Technical Director Walter McGinnis. Shouts to previous AskThem code & data contributors: Derek & Eric of DataMade; James McKinney of OpenNorth; and Phil Ashlock of DemocracyMap, among others. 

Thanks! Please help spread the word about our non-profit, open-source platform, launching Monday. 


m: (917) 753-3462

Skype: davidmooreppf

... sample Q below with our verified responder, NYC Council member Brad Lander - great article last night ::

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