Is this possible?

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Thiyagarajan Loganathan

Mar 13, 2018, 1:45:04 PM3/13/18
to OpenFrog
Hi there,

Question: Have you been to overseas and not sure where is the safest and trustworty FnB outlet is that is nearest to your location or an outlet with the best promo for drinks and bite.

I just created a new mobile app.
Its currently on the mockup stage.
Its a B to C model mobile app for the nightlife in singapore. Its connecting the FnB owners to their target audience using our one stop mobile app.

The users of this mobile app will have real time access to latest promo or happy hour from Fnb outlets. They will also get to socialize with other users via our app msg services provided. It will have reviews of outlets with the ratings too.
It will also locate the nearest FnB outlet that is under the mobile app favoured FnB outlets.

For the FnB outlets under our app will also get to promote their specials and any other promo they will like to their target audience - the costumers( app users).

We eventually would like to expand from Singapore to SEA, Asian and rest of the world. So in any part of the world they are using this app will be able to help to have a good time without the worry of how they will be treated cos of the reviews and ratings.

I am wondering do I go to a VC or an Angel or even an accelerator to help to seed fund this mobile app into a reality. Plus is this a feasible mobile app to begin with?

Roland Turner

Mar 13, 2018, 8:28:16 PM3/13/18
On 14/03/18 01:45, Thiyagarajan Loganathan wrote:

I am wondering do I go to a VC or an Angel  or even an accelerator to help to seed fund this mobile app into a reality. Plus is this a feasible mobile app to begin with?

It's a little late in the game to be asking these questions after building an app. Generally it is wise to test your market first

  • (a) to work out whether it's feasible, and
  • (b) to learn what your customers will actually pay for (which frequently enormously changes what you'll decide to build).

It is perhaps a little dated, but you might want to study something like Eric Ries' Lean Startup before you commit (or seek) any more resources to your business.

- Roland

Thiyagarajan Loganathan

Mar 14, 2018, 7:30:57 AM3/14/18
to OpenFrog
Hi Roland, thank you for the reply. I think i did not make myself clear....i am at the prototype stage actually. And yes I am currently reading the "Lean Startup". I am also currently talking to FnB outlet owners their take on this too. I was wondering if I should approach a VC or Angel investor?
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