Model Handling News

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Felix Mayerhuber

Aug 14, 2013, 8:03:05 AM8/14/13
Hi @all,

I've some news for you concerning the model handling in the OpenEngSB:
*) I've added now a new method called toOpenEngSBModelValues which
returns only the values of the model itself, without the elements which
are present in the model tail. This should simplify some tasks in the
model handling.
*) The wrong name getOpenEngSBModelEntries for the operation
toOpenEngSBModelEntries in the ModelUtils has been changed.
*) The ModelUtils class itself has been polished. It contains now
only the creation of a new model with a list of model entries. Instead,
a new wrapper class has been added: The ModelWrapper class. It has a
static factory method (ModelWrapper.wrap(Object)) and implements the
OpenEngSBModel interface, so it should be easier to work with the
wrapped objects.

All changes are available at the current OpenEngSB master.

Kind regards,
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