[ANN] Released Open Engineering Service Bus 2.0.0

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Andreas Pieber

Jan 13, 2012, 3:04:45 AM1/13/12
to OpenEngSB
The OpenEngSB team is pleased to announce the next release of the Open Engineering Service Bus: Version 2.0.0

The final release 2.0.0 of the Open Engineering Service Bus comes with OpenEngSB Framework 2.4.0 including a variety of new features: A general possibility to handle OAuth, now allowing connectors to e.g. Facebook and Twitter; A set of Karaf command line support (info, service, connector, domain); Implementation of the Engineering Database for version and storing models; A prototypic implementation of the Engineering Knoledge Base allowing to work with the models of tools and query against them; Minor enhancements in the administration UI (coloring, bug-fixes, ...); Java 7 compatibility; Full filter chains for the implementation of the remoting part making it possible to configure encryption, authentication, authorisation, and method calls quite easily; JPA support within the OpenEngSB; Possibility to create and change connector instances in configuration files. In addition those releases bring the following new versions and all their new features and bug fixes of the base tools to the OpenEngSB: Apache Karaf (2.2.5); Apache CXF (2.5.1), Apache ActiveMQ (5.5.1), Drools (5.3.0.FINAL), Wicket (1.4.19). The OpenEngSB 2.0.0 comes with the following tools and connectors: Binary Transformation Provider Factory (Smooks Binary Transform Provider Factory), Auditing (MemoryAuditing), Example (Example), Notification (Email), Appointment (Gcalendar), Contact (Gcontacts), Scm (Git), Issue (Github, Trac), Build (Maven), Test (Maven), Deploy (Maven), Report (Plain Text Report, ProM Report); All of those connectors and domains had been adapted to the latest version of the framework.


The release is available in binary (http://uk1.maven.org/maven2/org/openengsb/openengsb/2.0.0/openengsb-2.0.0.zip), source (http://uk1.maven.org/maven2/org/openengsb/openengsb/2.0.0/openengsb-2.0.0-src.zip); or reference the domain directly in Apache Maven...

There are 47 resolved issues included in this release, as such we've documented them on the 2.0.0 release notes page:



-The OpenEngSB team.
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