Which distribution does openDIAS work on easily?

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Mar 19, 2013, 3:03:18 PM3/19/13
to open...@googlegroups.com
I wonder what distros people are using currently (2013) that are easy to install openDIAS on.

What I mean by "easy" is that most dependencies are satisfied, and takes least work to operate it.  I believe I could make openDIAS work on almost anything, given enough time.  However, many users are less experienced than I am.  I would like to know which distros are easy and currently working.

I use gentoo, and am using virtual machines to use openDIAS.  I think it would be helpful to discuss this here and give myself and others a head start on installation.


Wayne Booth

Mar 20, 2013, 9:29:53 AM3/20/13
to open...@googlegroups.com, orego...@gmail.com
Hi Mick,

Thanks for your feedback.
You're right, users could use almost any GNU based distro, but satisfying the term "easy" is the real trick.
I regularly check builds on Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora, and provided the dependant libs are installed (listed in the source README), things generally build without trouble for these flavours.
I've also started to generate distro specific packages (for Ubuntu and Fedora), which really meats the "easy" category. But my experience generating these packages is far from top-notch and these have caused some problems in the past (hopefully these are all behind us now).
I would be interested to here any suggestions you have that would make openDias more accessible to a larger audience.

Wayne Booth.


Mar 25, 2013, 12:27:03 AM3/25/13
to open...@googlegroups.com, orego...@gmail.com
So far, I have tried ubuntu server 12.04-1, ubuntu desktop 12.10, and Fedora Security Spin (18).  I earlier tried Debian squeeze, but that was a bit silly, it needed too much work with dependencies.  I am using 64bit KVMs with libvirtd under virt-manager. I know there may be issues there, but no showstoppers so far.

On ubuntu, I can get the source for 0.8.1 to compile - after installing freeimage-dev.  Then, I can fiddle with sane and (somehow?) get the scanner found.  At this point, I can scan an image!  This is great, except opendias dies.  I restart it right away, and I can see my scans, although no OCR appears.

I can go further, but I am short on time for more debugging, especially if I am going the wrong direction.  Any hints?  maybe I should try a prebuilt package?  Or are those 32 bit?

Wayne Booth

Mar 28, 2013, 3:48:05 AM3/28/13
to open...@googlegroups.com

Hi Mike,

It's great that you've managed to build openDias on so many systems. I too are using virtual machines for testing (virtualbox). For me, the biggest pain is Fedora. I have managed to compile 0.8 on Debian squeeze, but not actually used it though.

I am aware that openDias (0.9 see below) and missing dependencies are being packaged just now, into ebuilds for Gento. But am not sure when these will be available.

I suppose that the most well used route to install is by source on Ubuntu 12.04 32bit (what I develop on), followed the packaged deb for Ubuntu 12.04 64bit (my 'production' machine). Both have behaved well for me the last few months.

So, to your crashing problem. We've got two routes open to us just now.

The first is what I would normally use when a user reports crashes: Could you increase the log verbosity, try again and post the log here. I can then attempt to diagnose the problem. Use
opendiasconfig -s log_verbosity .v 3
To change the log level.

The second would be to suggest an upgrade to the 0.9 series, which has just been beta tagged. It has a bunch more dependencies (new functionality), but I think is a better build in terms of the scanning process.

I hope the above is useful, do let me know how you get on.


Wayne Booth

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