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Bruce Majors

Aug 14, 2009, 5:25:40 AM8/14/09

"The Democrats have only themselves to blame for the grilling they're getting at these town halls. They're the ones who exaggerated the problems and cooked up a national health care scheme to solve them. They're the ones who tried to ram it through Congress. All of them should have the courage to come out of hiding and get the verbal flogging they deserve."


Clown Hall Meetings

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:20 PM PT

Hypocrisy: Rep. Gene Green has voted against bills that require people to present a photo ID before they vote. But don't show up at one of his public gatherings without a driver's license. You won't get in.

IBD Exclusive Series: Government-Run Healthcare: A Prescription For Failure

On his Web site, Green, a Democrat who represents working-class Houstonians, says that "due to a coordinated effort to disrupt our town hall meetings, we will be restricting further attendance to residents of the 29th congressional district and verifying residency by requiring photo identification."

Green's position isn't wholly unreasonable, particularly when crowds are too big for the venues in which meetings are held. In that case, constituents should be given priority. But by requiring attendees to produce a photo ID, he has exposed himself as inconsistent at best and hypocritical at worst.

Thanks to Tom Blumer, from whose blog we learned about Green's plan, we know that in 2005 and 2006 the congressman opposed legislation requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls.

Now, what's more important to the current and future health of our republic? Trying to hold clean elections or excluding "outsiders" from public meetings?

Green isn't the only lawmaker trying to duck the hard questions about health care revision bills from voters fed up with an imperial federal government. Some congressmen are holding telephone town halls, while others have canceled public meetings altogether.

And at least one, Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-Mo., has been charged with packing a town hall meeting with union members — his real constituency? — and locking out more than 1,000 voters.

Perhaps the most creative dodge was the one by Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who, like Green, represents Houston. While Tracy Miller was voicing her concern at a town hall meeting Tuesday that government-run health care "cannot happen without encroaching on someone else's civil liberty," Jackson Lee decided to take a call on her cell phone. Miller said Jackson Lee also answered her phone while two others were asking questions.

The Democrats have only themselves to blame for the grilling they're getting at these town halls. They're the ones who exaggerated the problems and cooked up a national health care scheme to solve them. They're the ones who tried to ram it through Congress. All of them should have the courage to come out of hiding and get the verbal flogging they deserve.


Aug 14, 2009, 11:58:04 AM8/14/09
Bullshit,Freedomworks run by Dick Army are paying knuckledraggers to disrupt these meetings.You do have the title right though when you call them "Clown Meetings",that's what they are called when these Fringe hack Knuckledraggers show up to disrupt them.

Bruce Majors

Aug 14, 2009, 12:01:30 PM8/14/09
Really whorelet?

How much are they paying the tens of thousands of people who have protested?

Is Soros funding them to?

Do you expect anything you say to be taken seriously when you cannot do better than this idiotic lie?

We have all seen the Craigslist ad already where Odumbie'swhore groups are paying people $600 a week to be pro-Obama supporters at townhalls. And even then, busing them in, they are outnumbered at least 5 to 1

You shitty little whore


Aug 14, 2009, 12:07:36 PM8/14/09
Please don't tell us what you call your wife Brucie.If you checked any source except for those fringe Ideologues like Fixed News or Newswax you'd have a more well rounded understanding of reality.BTW any dumbass can post anything on craigslist without accountability.Since you frequent that site allot is that where you met your wife?I can understand why you are like you are though ,it all started when that doctor used forceps to pull you out of your mother's ass.Now go screw yourself and leave Demospinbuster alone!

Bruce Majors

Aug 14, 2009, 12:08:41 PM8/14/09
I am gay, you silly shithead


Aug 17, 2009, 11:26:32 AM8/17/09
Ok,So you're a faggot.What's that got to do with the post below the first sentence?

Bruce Majors

Aug 17, 2009, 11:27:48 AM8/17/09
Hey stupid bitch boy keep up with your own crappy writing

You made fun of my wife loser

I don't have one

Are all you turds as stupid as your Turd in Chief, you silly bitch

VT VirtualTruth

Aug 17, 2009, 11:40:00 AM8/17/09
to Open Debate Political Forum IMHO
You do realize that the Fringe are being bank rolled by
Steve Forbes?

I haven't seen the Craigslist post, is it like the Kenyan Birth

Bruce, there is a 50 trillion dollar unfunded liability coming
due as the baby boomers begin to retire. they will begin to retire
in earnest in a very few short years.

This is REALITY, The choice is to make hard decisions NOW
so that there will be a solution later, or do nothing
now and there will be NOTHING later.

On Aug 14, 12:01 pm, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> Really whorelet?
> How much are they paying the tens of thousands of people who have protested?
> Is Soros funding them to?
> Do you expect anything you say to be taken seriously when you cannot do
> better than this idiotic lie?
> We have all seen the Craigslist ad already where Odumbie'swhore groups are
> paying people $600 a week to be pro-Obama supporters at townhalls. And even
> then, busing them in, they are outnumbered at least 5 to 1
> You shitty little whore
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Wardencliff <> wrote:
> > Bullshit,Freedomworks run by Dick Army are paying knuckledraggers to
> > disrupt these meetings.You do have the title right though when you call them
> > "Clown Meetings",that's what they are called when these Fringe hack
> > Knuckledraggers show up to disrupt them.
> > On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 2:25 AM, Bruce Majors <>wrote:
> >>   "The Democrats have only themselves to blame for the grilling they're
> >> getting at these town halls. They're the ones who exaggerated the problems
> >> and cooked up a national health care scheme to solve them. They're the ones
> >> who tried to ram it through Congress. All of them should have the courage to
> >> come out of hiding and get the verbal flogging they deserve."
> >>    Clown Hall Meetings
> >> By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:20 PM
> >> PT
> >> *Hypocrisy:* Rep. Gene Green has voted against bills that require people
> >> to present a photo ID before they vote. But don't show up at one of his
> >> public gatherings without a driver's license. You won't get in.
> >> ------------------------------
> >> IBD Exclusive Series: Government-Run Healthcare: A Prescription For
> >> Failure <>
> >> ------------------------------


Aug 17, 2009, 11:58:44 AM8/17/09
Just like a faggot,always screaming and whining.


Aug 17, 2009, 12:04:29 PM8/17/09
Well then, let's go after the ill gotten gains of the corrupt rich to pay
for it. You know, the Kennedys and Kerrys, the Dodds and Gores, and all the
other goombahs who've plundered the funds extorted from "The People" over
the years and spent them for "pork as payback".


ARMY STRONG!! This We'll Defend.

Bruce Majors

Aug 17, 2009, 12:07:36 PM8/17/09
Oh you incredibly smug and stupid little shitsucker

Everyone has seen the Craiglist post where the Obamanoids offer $600 a week to pay people to canvass for Obama and go to townhall protests holding Obama posters

I emailed the motherfuckers Friday and they called ME Saturday to have me come in today for a job interview


Aug 17, 2009, 12:25:48 PM8/17/09
The mcCains,The Murdochs,the Frists,the Cheneys,the Bushs...


Aug 17, 2009, 12:26:57 PM8/17/09
Equal opportunity,even for faggots.

Bruce Majors

Aug 17, 2009, 12:45:54 PM8/17/09
All we have to do is to end your socialist system which is the sources of wealth for Daschle, Obama, GE/MSNBC, Rahm etc

And all you little whore flaks on the federal tit at your little government subsidized jobs

We can then seize their wealth and return it to the tax serfs

And kick you parasites out of the country
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