Hi. I have a question and I would be very thankful if anyone can help. I have the code below with cv2. This code is downloaded from https://github.com/dipakkr/3d-cnn-action-recognition (videoto3d.py). I want to use cv2.imshow to visualize the frames of the video it get. But I get the following error. What is the problem? The mostimportant problem is that I want to visualize the input to make sure that it can read the input. I am doubtful of whether this code is really able to read the videos as what is returns is an array of zeros.
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(filename)
#ret, frame=cap.read()
#cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
nframe = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) #Returns the specified VideoCapture property ,,Number of frames in the video file
print (nframe, "nframe")
if skip:
frames = [x * nframe / self.depth for x in range(self.depth)]
print (frames, "frameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees")
frames = [x for x in range(self.depth)]
print (frames, "frameseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee2")
framearray = []
for i in range(self.depth):
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frames[i]) #Sets a property in the VideoCapture. ,,0-based index of the frame to be decoded/captured next.
ret, frame = cap.read()
print(ret, "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttt")
print(frame ,"frame issssssssssss:")
frame = cv2.resize(frame, (self.height, self.width))
print(frame, "frame222 isssssssssssssss")
if color:
framearray.append(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY))
return np.array(framearray)
X.append(vid3d.video3d(v_file_path, color=color, skip=skip))
Error: main()
File "3dcnn.py", line 151, in main
args.output, args.color, args.skip)
File "3dcnn.py", line 103, in loaddata
X.append(vid3d.video3d(v_file_path, color=color, skip=skip))
File "/home/gxa131/Documents/final_project_computationalintelligence/3d-cnn-action-recognition/videoto3d.py", line 34, in video3d
TypeError: Required argument 'mat' (pos 2) not found