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GSoC 2024: Contributor Application

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Mar 20, 2024, 4:26:15 PM3/20/24
to opencv-gsoc-202x
Hi, I'm Melih. An Artificial Intelligence Engineering senior student from Hacettepe University. I'm doing my thesis on 3D Human Pose Estimation & Video Reconstruction. I also took Image Processing and am taking Computer Vision class at school. After finishing my thesis I want to study on 3D Deep Learning so I'm trying to follow Gerard Pons Moll's research to keep up.

I have a strong background of Linux and python, I've contributed to open source projects like pypath (a tool for bioinformatics researchers), wrote my own projects at github (wayland dynamic wallpaper changer for example), studied and still studying at a multidisciplinary bioinformatics research lab for 2 years, finally I'm confident about my familiarity C / C++ skills because I started my computer science journey with them.

OpenCV is heart of the Computer Vision so it is essential to understand it. And if I can have a chance to implement a part of it, I'd be way more than happy. Here are my interests:

1. Neural 3D Capture and Rendering
2. 3D Object Capture with SplaTAM

As of now, I started to look for the resources you shared. Is there a way to find a proposal template or something like that? It may be my bad but I couldn't find any. And I don't have much idea since the topic itself is already decided.

Would be glad to get a feedback or hear back from you! Have a nice day.
- Melih
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