Community call 4/15

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Scott Jensen

Apr 15, 2015, 11:14:25 AM4/15/15
Community meeting in 50 mins. Same Bat time same Bat place (
Plan on discussing Chef Solo and the removal of Birkshelf and Goardi in Drill. Also a little doc reorg and an update on current dev activities

Scott Jensen

Apr 15, 2015, 12:33:38 PM4/15/15

Community Meeting

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

12:02 PM

  1. WsMan-  Upstream Repo are causing any new installs are failing.  Greg will create a reliable Repo.
  2. Chef Solo Proposal-  Change OpoenCrowbar to not use a chef server.  This was originally the design however BirkShelf was desired so we moved to Chef Server and then Goardi.  We would suggest that we keep the Chef Server in place.

Items ToDo:

  • Change references
  • Change install to not install Chef Server
  1. Doc Reorg-  Will do a bit of reorg on the deployment and users docs
  2. Review current Dev Progress- 
  • Still working on making the Admin Network avail on a network that the Admin server is not directly on that network. 
  • External Proxy is now ready for testing.  This allows you to use an external (to OpenCrowbar) proxy server.
  • Need to make the provisioner able to work on  a network that it is not directly connected.
  • May make it necessary to set up a logging service as well.
  1. Round-table-  Chef has a way to run Ruby directly on the target node.
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