OA Week Event: What is Climate Justice?

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Chealsye Bowley

Sep 19, 2022, 4:09:13 PM9/19/22
to opencon-dis...@googlegroups.com
What is Climate Justice?: A pre-OA Week Conversation
Thursday, September 29th at 9PT/12ET/5BT

This year’s Open Access Week theme is “Open For Climate Justice.” Through this theme we seek to encourage connection and collaboration among the climate movement and the international open community. 

We are hosting a pre-OA Week event featuring experts in climate change and climate justice to help the community prepare for Open Access Week. This event will provide background information, resources, and a jam session to brainstorm OA Week events and advocacy ideas. Please join us on Thursday, September 29 at 9:00 Pacific / 16:00 UTC for the conversation event. Register: https://bit.ly/preOAweek2022
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