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Survey and meeting announcement: Recognizing Preprint Peer Review, Dec 1-2

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Jessica Polka

Nov 8, 2022, 1:35:42 PM11/8/22
Hi all,

I hope the meeting below might be of interest to some of you!


Livestream: Recognizing Preprint Peer Review

December 1-2, 2022

Public review of preprints offers many benefits. It enables reviewers to focus on the science itself, allows authors to engage in constructive dialog with reviewers, and provides context on preprints for readers. cOAlition S and EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships have recently announced that they recognize peer-reviewed preprints as peer-reviewed publications, and some journals are accepting reviews from services such as Peer Community In and Review Commons.

Sponsored by HHMI, ASAPbio, and EMBO, the goals of this meeting are to promote community consensus and support for preprint peer review and to create funder, institutional, and journal policies that recognize both preprints with reviews, and reviews of preprints.

We invite the entire scientific community to engage with us virtually by watching the talks, asking questions and contributing to group discussions. SIGN UP to to receive updates about this meeting, including a detailed agenda when available and the Zoom link to join.

Until then, please take a 5’ survey about your experiences and perspectives on preprint feedback to help us shape the conversation at the meeting. 

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