Webinar - Access the world's research outputs through the CORE API

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Nov 25, 2021, 8:51:08 AM11/25/21
to jisc-rep...@jiscmail.ac.uk

Apologies for cross-posting

Webinar - Access the world's research outputs through the CORE API 

Dear all,


We are pleased to invite you to an introductory webinar on our new APIv3, on Thursday 13th January @13.00 GMT. 


Our new version of the API enables librarians, research support administrators, enterprises and researchers to gain access to the world’s largest collection of research papers. This session is intended to provide an introduction to the new API and suggest practical methods to get started with it.

Everyone can attend this webinar. The first part will give an overview of the API, while the second will be a more in-depth approach with some coding examples and tips on how to use it even without programming knowledge.

Webinar outline:

-         What can you do with the CORE APIv3?  

-         Lessons learned from v2 and new features in v3

-         How to get started

-         Live tutorial: Did research stop during COVID? 


Catherine Kuliavets 
Web: core.ac.uk
CORE Blog: blog.core.ac.uk
Twitter: @oacore

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