Victorian State Election preparation

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Magda Stremeski

Jul 21, 2014, 6:43:11 AM7/21/14
Hello, my name's Magda. I'm based in Melbourne and I answered the call on Twitter to help out with Election Leaflets for the upcoming Vic election in November.

I had a read through the link provided on how to set up a new election: and I'm hapy to do data collection, but since it's been 5 years since the one and only time I used Git, I may need some help getting set up to actually upload the data :)

So, apart from starting to collect the required data, what should my next move be?

Looking forward to working with you all,


Daniel Kinsman

Jul 21, 2014, 5:53:09 PM7/21/14
That's great! I haven't dealt with election leaflets before, so it might
be best to wait for someone else to chime in, but I'm happy to provide
tech support where needed. By the looks of things, once you have
collected the data you just need a username and password to the admin
page on election leaflets to get started... but that would be dangerous.

I'm going to assume there isn't a nice handy test server out there you
can use to play with, so you might need to download the code and run one
on your own computer. I can help you out with that.


Magda Stremeski:
gpg: 3DFB 8277 7331 A9FF DED4 F4FE C32C CA5F 19E8 7E5F


Henare Degan

Jul 21, 2014, 9:49:41 PM7/21/14
to openaustralia-dev
Woohoo! Stoked to hear this will be happening for the Victorian election. From what I've heard it promises to be a bit of a nasty campaign so Election Leaflets could make a real impact by keeping an eye on dirty tricks.

As I said on Twitter, the most important and most time consuming thing is getting out there promoting the site and getting people to upload leaflets. So be prepared for that :) We'll help out with tips about things that have worked in past elections and access to things like the Twitter account.

Daniel's right - no knowledge of Git is required to get the site up and running. I'm happy to help your or Daniel upload the data.

We do have a handy staging server to test on.

OK maybe I was a bit overcautious with the caps lock "danger", @daniel. It's just you have the ability to stuff production data for already created elections in ways that Are Probably Bad and I Don't Understand The Consequences :) It's all good.

So the next most important step is to collect that data and get it loaded up so your site is ready to go. I've invited Madga to our team chat so if you have any questions it's easy to ask (Daniel is already on there as he's been volunteering on our upcoming parliamentary voting project).


Henare Degan
Volunteer & Director - OpenAustralia Foundation

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