> Even if you weren't in one of these groups, please don't hesitate to write
> up your experiences, send them to this list, blog or tweet about them (and
> send us a link!).
I've not got very far with this yet. I was planning on putting a Ogg
Theora/Vorbis video into a page, probably Kate Lundy's page, and
providing all the necessary javascript for it. But in the end I just
registered and installed the web software, got it working on my mac,
and had nearly 2 hours of chats with people around me. I also posted
some articles to a new website that we are developing that is meant to
help people get started with Ogg (see http://new.annodex.net/), but
it's still early days for that.
If you want to check out where I want to take us, go to
http://www.metavid.org/. It has video search down to the detailed
level by using transcripts such as Hansard as an index into the
videos. Once somebody else here has sorted out how to get hold of the
parliamentary recordings of state and federal, we can get that working
in a similar way. One step at a time!
Hi Silvia,
Thanks very much for the update, great to hear you got the web app up
and running. I think a lot of the chats were just as useful for
inspiring us, which is why I was keen to hear other peoples
experiences :)
> If you want to check out where I want to take us, go to
> http://www.metavid.org/. It has video search down to the detailed
> level by using transcripts such as Hansard as an index into the
> videos. Once somebody else here has sorted out how to get hold of the
> parliamentary recordings of state and federal, we can get that working
> in a similar way. One step at a time!
One step at a time indeed! I've added OA-285 to our issue tracker to
track us getting access to the videos. I remember we had a bit of a
chat about this at linux.conf.au 2009 and someone mentioned speaking
to the ABC about getting access to their video - maybe someone closer
to the issue can add details to that ticket.
Thanks again,
Hey Sherif,
It was great to meet you yesterday and great to see your cool work on
the Wordpress plugin, I'm really looking forward to seeing the code
(I'll keep my eye on the ticket).
Once you get the code up we can use it as an example for the first new
development to use the API! (Like the Examples section on the TWFY API
page http://www.theyworkforyou.com/api/)
Good luck with your exams too.
Hi Mark,
Great to hear! Sign up on
http://tickets.openaustralia.org/secure/Signup!default.jspa then email
your username to the list and someone will make you a developer so you
can assign the ticket to yourself and mark it as In Progress when you
start working on it.
And one CPAN release. :)
Adam K
Very cool Adam, sorry I missed this in the original announcement. I
liked the blog post[0] you did too, I found it after the OpenAustralia
[0] http://use.perl.org/~Alias/journal/39123
[1] http://twitter.com/OpenAustralia/status/2175461523
> Jeffery,
> Thanks for the speedy and informative reply. I'm interested in working
> on an Australian 'FixMyStreet' style application (as an iPhone app in
> the first instance - though that'll require some server-side code
> which may grow over time). As such, I'm going to need a geo-location
> (lat/long) to local-government look-up service. Is this something
> you're planning on supporting?
> Ideally, I'd love to be able to provide a lat/long and get back the
> name of the local government body, a contact name, and a contact e-
> mail for the purposes of reporting problems. Obviously you're probably
> not planning on tackling this last part (name, phone and e-mail for
> the person to contact at the govt body), but are you planning on doing
> the first part?
> If so - what's your timeframe? and how are you planning on making this
> available? RESTful service? free for anyone to use as they wish? Open-
> source code/data?
Here's your basic web service - lat/long electorate resolver (written
with fastcgi for efficiency - I'm guessing the db connection is
expensive) - also untested :) Also based on my reading of the
incomplete data.
Request with: http://my.host/electorate?lat=11.11&long=12.22
Returns JSON of electorate data.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
use Au::Politics::Geo "$Bin/db.sqlite" ;
use CGI::Simple;
use JSON::Any;
use FCGI;
while($request->Accept() >= 0) {
my $q = CGI::Simple->new;
my $lat = $q->param('lat');
my $long = $q->param('long');
my @electorates = Politics::AU::Geo->geo2electorates($lat, $long)
or die "couldn't find electorates from lat: $lat and long:
my $j = JSON::Any->new;
print $q->header(-type => 'application/json');
print $j->objToJson(\@electorates);
err, incomplete docs. Sorry.
Thanks for the speedy and informative reply. I'm interested in working
on an Australian 'FixMyStreet' style application (as an iPhone app in
the first instance - though that'll require some server-side code
which may grow over time). As such, I'm going to need a geo-location
(lat/long) to local-government look-up service. Is this something
you're planning on supporting?