Open Gov Resolution pending follow up in COA?

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carol eckelkamp

Aug 22, 2015, 9:02:21 PM8/22/15
to Open Austin
This came from Ora Houston staff:
In recent weeks, my staff or I have met with reps from community based organizations bringing resolutions that were pending in 2014 before the former council. What procedures or processes are in place to monitor such items or do we have a mechanism to determine the number or scope of these pending actions before the former council?

Response was this 58 page doc from staff in City Clerks office. Can some of you check to see that the Open Government initiative from 12/8/11 had been handled as per the initial resolution. Some of you have more history than I on the early details.

page 7 & 8 of this document has Open Gov, open data and other items.

Mateo Clarke

Sep 2, 2015, 1:29:00 AM9/2/15
to carol eckelkamp, Open Austin
It sounds like, Councilmember Ora Houston asked ~"What outstanding resolutions did I inherit, what's being done about them?"And she got back a long ugly list in PDF form (no surprise).

And Carol, you want us to check if the following resolution is still moving forward?
"Item 74. Approve a resolution affirming the City Council's commitment to Open Government and directing the City Manager to work with the Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission to develop recommendations for elements of an Open Government Framework that addresses open data, open source platforms, mobile applications, and social media."

There was a new Open Data initiative announced at the beginning of the year by the City Manager and kicked off in May 2015 headed by CTM (City IT) and supported by the Office of Innovation. The initial results of that initiative are captured in the department-by-department report card that Open Austin members developed with CTM data:

I'm currently serving on the Community Technology and Telecommunications Commission and Open Data is definitely something I'm be advocating for. Still trying to figure how and open to ideas...


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Mateo Clarke
Chair, Open Austin

Greenberg, Sherri R

Sep 2, 2015, 9:54:05 AM9/2/15
to Mateo Clarke, carol eckelkamp, Open Austin

You are correct.

Sent from my iPhone
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