Heroku Config Variables

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Marc Grüner

Jun 25, 2019, 10:58:21 PM6/25/19
to OpenAPS Dev
Hello community,

I am very new to openAPS and currently working on my first loop.
I have created a Heroku account and already deployed my nightscout app.
When reviewing all the Config Variables, some of them seem to be missing:
-Pushover lines

When entering the settings of the Heroku app, I could add those lines.
Is that what I am supposed to do?

In addition to that, I am going to be using a Freestyle libre.
My guess is that I won't be needing the following:

Could someone please confirm this?

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

Jan Schenk

Jun 26, 2019, 3:01:53 PM6/26/19
to opena...@googlegroups.com
Hi Marc,
Correct, you won't need the BRIDGE config variables. For the upper ones, ni everybody needs these, so they are not part of the standard set. If you're setting up authentication and pushover, these might come in handy (although I'm using pushover on the rig, and didn't configure that variable on Azure/Heroku).

BTW where are you located? Your surname sounds like coming from Switzerland or Germany?

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Marc Grüner

Jun 26, 2019, 6:32:58 PM6/26/19
to OpenAPS Dev
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
I added the first 3 by hand.
I'll just leave out the bridge ones, not using Dexcom.

I am from Germany but currently living in the US.

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