Hello everyone,
First of all, I think this message is not break the group rules. Apologies if it is not the case.
I am not using anymore my openAPS system based on intel edison and explorer block (I have switch to andriodAPS with a dana rs pump).
So I have some device I wish to sell (see photos):
- 2 intel edison : 60€ each
- 3 explorer block : 40€ each
- 1 TI USB Stick with its case (with WW firmware) : 30€
I have also screws and battery connector : I'll give them for each complete rig bought.
I have a rig case which will be sent with the first rig bought.
I sell the whole package for 220€.
I have also some medtronic minimed quick-set, tanks and one inserter to GIVE (size of tank is for pump 7xx- 300 units - 3mL) : be sure that local laws permit the sending of such marerials. If interested contact me directly.
Regarding the shipping cost : notice that I live in France so it depends on your country.
Have a nice day,