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webinar: OpenAlex tools for efficient automated updating of systematic reviews and maps

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Jodi Schneider

Nov 7, 2023, 8:49:27 AM11/7/23
to OpenAlex users
Free webinar on OpenAlex for updating systematic searches (particularly within EPPI Reviewer <> ) - aimed at information specialists from Cochane <>. 

OpenAlex tools for efficient automated updating of systematic reviews and maps
Thursday 7 December 13:00-14:00 UTC.
Registration link:
More below.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Carol Lefebvre via IRMG


From: Jo Platt 
Sent: 30 October 2023 13:56
Cc: Shemilt, Ian; James Thomas
Subject: IS webinar 7 December 1pm to 2pm UTC - OpenAlex tools for efficient automated updating of systematic reviews and maps




Thanks for expressing an interest in attending the Cochrane IS Webinar on Thursday 7 December 13:00-14:00 UTC.


Our very special guests Ian Shemilt (Associate Professor of Evidence Synthesis Methodology and Associate Director of the EPPI Centre, University College London) and James Thomas (Professor of Social Research and Policy and Deputy Director of the EPPI Centre, University College London) will lead a session on advances in methods for information retrieval, with a focus on OpenAlex as a single-source database.


A flavour of the session….

“Keeping on top of new evidence is a perennial challenge. Systematic reviews can quickly become out of date, and maintaining a surveillance of new evidence can be resource-intensive and costly. For example, identifying new eligible studies for updating systematic reviews and maps of research – including those that have been transitioned to using a ‘living reviews’ approach – conventionally involves running updated Boolean searches across multiple electronic databases and manual screening of all retrieved unique records. However, new tools and technologies are beginning to address this challenge. First, the OpenAlex dataset – an open access, continually updated dataset and knowledge graph comprising ~250 million records of research articles from across science – can be considered a comprehensive single source for published research articles in many topic areas, reducing the need to search many, or sometimes any, subscription databases. Second, the scope of a review can be ‘learned’ by machine learning algorithms, facilitating efficient identification of eligible studies from within large datasets.”

Please head to the following link to register for the event. Here you will also find further information about our guest speakers and an outline of the session.


In a bid to re-launch our IS Journal Club at the same time, please find attached three papers related to the content of the webinar – Ian and James will navigate through these throughout the session.


  1. Centre on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation research. Information Briefing, James Thomas: New Methods and Technologies for KEEPING SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS UP TO DATE
  2. Shemilt I, Arno A, Thomas J, Lorenc T, Khouja C, Raine G, Sutcliffe K, D’Souza P, Wright K, Sowden A. Using automation to produce a ‘living map’ of the COVID-19 research literature. JEAHIL [Internet]. 23Jun.2021 [cited 30Oct.2023];17(2):11-5. Available from:
  3. Shemilt I, Arno A, Thomas J et al. Cost-effectiveness of Microsoft Academic Graph with machine learning for automated study identification in a living map of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) research Wellcome Open Research , :


We look forward to sharing this session with you.


Best wishes



Jo Platt
Editorial Service Information Specialist

Evidence Production & Methods Directorate | Cochrane Central Executive

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