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Save the date for the 2024 OpenAlex Virtual User Conference

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Jason Portenoy

Apr 4, 2024, 9:51:11 AM4/4/24
to OpenAlex users

2024 OpenAlex Virtual User Conference


Inspired by feedback from our community, we are excited to announce the first OpenAlex Virtual User Conference!

Based on nearly 200 responses to our planning survey, we’ll be hosting two different events at the end of May. Agenda and more details soon, but please save the date now for the time that works best for you.

Both events will feature presentations from OpenAlex users around the world with live Q&A and recorded presentations that will be available for viewing afterwards.

We're looking for users of OpenAlex to give short presentations (12 minutes) showcasing the diverse ways they are using OpenAlex. Want to present? Let us know using this form by April 29th: 

Look out for a detailed agenda in early May.

If you have any questions or feedback while we’re planning the event, please send us a note at 

Looking forward to ‘seeing’ you there!

-OpenAlex team

Jason Portenoy

May 13, 2024, 10:32:58 AM5/13/24
to OpenAlex users
Hi everyone!

The schedule and registration links for the OpenAlex Virtual User Conference are now available!

We've got a lot of exciting presentations lined up for the two days—Thursday, May 30th and Friday, May 31st. The presentations will be recorded and the video will be made available afterward, so you should only register for the times you think you'll be attending live.

We're really looking forward to it! Tell your friends!

OpenAlex team
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