Review articles

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Luiz Gabriel Correia

Dec 13, 2023, 9:51:45 AM12/13/23
to OpenAlex users
Hello OpenAlex community.

Just a quick question:
What is currently the best way to filter review articles or systematic reviews on OpenAlex?
If I got the API documentation right, the Work object doesn't have an article type specifically for review articles as there is for editorials and letters, so I'm assuming all reviews are included under the broader "article" type.
We have to use a search query on the title to be able to achieve this?

Jason Portenoy

Dec 13, 2023, 9:55:48 AM12/13/23
to OpenAlex users
We don't currently identify review articles, but we're planning on doing it soon. It is difficult, however. Unfortunately, labeling these documents is not very straightforward. There is no standard way that incoming works are labeled, and most string matching methods will both miss a lot of articles, and incorrectly label a lot of them. If anyone has thoughts, we'd love to hear them!
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