Announcing Funders

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Jason Portenoy

May 2, 2023, 3:11:18 PM5/2/23
to OpenAlex users
Hi everyone!

This is the official announcement for our new Funders entity. We are currently about 32,000 funders. Funder data comes from Crossref, and is enhanced with data from Wikidata and ROR. Funders are connected to works via grants.

Funders are available now in the API and the (alpha version of) the web UI. We also plan to include them in the next data snapshot.

Thanks for being part of the OpenAlex community!

-Jason Portenoy

Alexis-Michel Mugabushaka

May 2, 2023, 6:31:57 PM5/2/23
to Jason Portenoy, OpenAlex users
Thank. This is good news. 
Up to now, I have had to link openalex to crossref to get those data. Good to know I can access them in one place and with consistent identifiers 
This is progress. 
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