This is the seventh patch release v1.4.7 of the 1.4 release series of open62541.
open62541 (
is an open source implementation of OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture /
IEC 62541) written in the C language. The library is usable with all
major compilers and provides the necessary tools to implement dedicated
OPC UA clients and servers, or to integrate OPC UA-based communication
into existing applications. The open62541 library is platform
independent: All platform-specific functionality is implemented via
exchangeable plugins for easy porting to different (embedded) targets.
open62541 is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0 (MPLv2).
This allows the open62541 library to be combined and distributed with
any proprietary software. Only changes to the open62541 library itself
need to be licensed under the MPLv2 when copied and distributed. The
plugins, as well as the server and client examples are in the public
domain (CC0 license). They can be reused under any license and changes
do not have to be published.
The important changes compared to the previous release v1.4.6 are:
- core: Validate Variant ArrayLength against its ArrayDimensions during binary decode
- server: Don't extend the DiscoveryUrls in the configuration with EndpointUrls from requests
- server: Consider allowNonePolicyPassword in GetEndpoints
- server: Check the postfix of the UserTokenPolicy PolicyId also
- server: Allow different SecurityPolicy for UserTokenPolicy and Endpoint Description
- pubsub: Only check message timeout if message is valid
- pubsub: Include GroupVersion data type in pubsub information model
- pubsub: Fix MQTT subscribe ReaderGroup config copying
- pubsub: Fix setting WriterGroup messsage & transport settings
- plugins: Reenable writing rejected certificates to a reject folder (both for mbedTLS and OpenSSL)
- plugins: Classify certificates as CA by manually checking certificate extensions (for OpenSSL)
New features and major changes compared to the previous release series 1.3 include:
- core: Switch to an EventLoop model for the control flow
- core: Support for OpenSSL 3.0
- core: Add the Aes256-Sha256-RsaPss security policy
- core: Automatically unwrap ExtensionObject arrays inside UA_Variant
- core: txtime feature for time-based sending of Ethernet packets (Linux only)
- client/server/pubsub: Server, Client and PubSub API are thread-safe with internal locks
- client/server: Private key password protection with a userland callback (client and server)
- client/server: Authentication with x509 certificates (client and server)
- client/server: Support for session-specific server locales (nodes can have localized Description and DisplayName)
- client: Make connection properties in the client accessible via the API
- client: Allow setting a custom SessionName in the client config
- client: Consider the request timeoutHint in synchronous service calls of the client
- server: Implementation of the TransferSubscription and Cancel Service
- server: File-based server configuration using a JSON5 configuration file
- server: Make Session properties in the server accessible via the API
- server: Use an encrypted SecureChannel for registering at a Discovery Server
- server: MonitoredItems with negative sampling interval (linked to the publish interval of the Subscription)
- server: Integration with the NodesetLoader project for runtime parsing and integration of Nodeset XML files
- server: Session and Subscription Diagnostics as part of the server object
- server: Support for the AccessLevelEx attribute
- server: Support for EventFilters
- server: ReverseConnect for the Server
- server: Use config->shutdownDelay delay for the server shutdown
- server: Use dedicate PKI for SecureChannel and Session certificates
- pubsub: Support for the PubSub SKS (Security Key Service)
- pubsub: Support for PubSub UDP Unicast
- pubsub: PubSub StandaloneSubscribedDataSets information model representation