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open-vcdiff version 0.8.4 now available

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May 14, 2014, 7:18:59 PM5/14/14
Hello all: 

I've just uploaded version 0.8.4 of open-vcdiff: the first update in two years.
My apologies for the long delay.  This release addresses eight open issues
from the bug list.  A full list of changes included in the release can be found at: 

The copyright notices have changed to "The open-vcdiff Authors" to reflect
that open-vcdiff now contains contributions from outside Google (in particular,
many thanks to our friends from Opera Software.)  I have added a new
CONTRIBUTORS file with the names of developers who have added or
modified code in the project.  Several other supporters have been added to
the THANKS file.  Please let me know if you have helped out with a patch
but you don't see your name there.

New downloads can no longer be added to Google Project Hosting
(see this announcement), so I've placed the source tarball and packages
for the new version in this location in Google Drive instead:

Download open-vcdiff version 0.8.4

As always, you can  check out a read-only copy of the source
from SVN ( 

If you find any issues with the new release, I'd appreciate your feedback

Thanks for your interest in open-vcdiff and for your valuable contributions. 


Lincoln Smith 
Google Inc.
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