Mark Roest
unread,Sep 7, 2010, 11:57:17 AM9/7/10Sign in to reply to author
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to Michael Maranda, open-sustainability-network, Rebecca Araiz Iverson, Peter Burgess, Edward Cherlin, David Alan Foster, Björn Lasse Herrmann, Joy Tang, jeff buderer, Kafui A. Prebbie, Janet Feldman, Ilya Eric Lee, Sahibou Oumarou, Susan Saiyorri, Ellen Nsiah, Alison Wong, Franklin Roest, Daniel Roest, Ray Phoenix, Jack Park, Rob Stephenson, Tim Foresman, Marge Elliott, Chris Watkins, Matt Lewandowsky, Krishna Alluri, James T. Caldwell, Eileen Klegg, Ben de Vries, Chris Richardson, Reed Burkhart, Brad deGraf,, Dr. Gita Elgin, Sanda Everette, Nancy Glock-Greuneich, John Graham, Mimi Hui, Katharine-Ellen McKee Jolda, Jim Schuyler, Tiffany Von Emmel, Claudia Welss
Hello All,
This is an important beginning! It is about expressing the concept, structure and nuances of stewardship of life on earth; it can serve as an entry point to the knowledgebases and focused social networks that can be the ultimate organizing and working tool for those who serve humanity and the natural world.
I would like to collectively introduce the people I addressed this to who may be new to the project, to the people who have been creating the project. In this group are pioneers in sustainability, responsible accounting, earth imaging and open computing, and activists and people who care deeply about the fate of the world. Not all may want to participate, but I believe each of you may have some interest in due time.
Mark Roest