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Coalition of the Willing, and Open Stewardship

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Michael Maranda

Sep 7, 2010, 5:14:29 AM9/7/10
to open-sustainability-network

We've been working on a blog for carrying forward and evolving the
ideas presented in the Coalition of the Willing short film (recently
discussed here).

There's still work to be done on the aesthetics and mechanics of the
blog, but fortunately that's not my task :)

So forgive the dust, but do check it out. There, I am proud to say we
have our first statement on Open Stewardship:

Read down to the invitations, I had this community and it's
aspirations especially in mind when we framed them.

"Talk" can be the beginning of something much more than talk and

In solidarity,


PS ... I still anticipate getting materials together pertaining to
recent discussions in a wiki or wagn for open stewardship ... but this
blog effort and a local resurgence of the Digital Excellence
initiative have involved some considerable unexpected work.

paul horan

Sep 7, 2010, 10:21:01 AM9/7/10
Thanks Michael,

This is great news and I'm looking forward to exploring this some more, diving in and contributing/participating however I can.


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Mark Roest

Sep 7, 2010, 11:57:17 AM9/7/10
to Michael Maranda, open-sustainability-network, Rebecca Araiz Iverson, Peter Burgess, Edward Cherlin, David Alan Foster, Björn Lasse Herrmann, Joy Tang, jeff buderer, Kafui A. Prebbie, Janet Feldman, Ilya Eric Lee, Sahibou Oumarou, Susan Saiyorri, Ellen Nsiah, Alison Wong, Franklin Roest, Daniel Roest, Ray Phoenix, Jack Park, Rob Stephenson, Tim Foresman, Marge Elliott, Chris Watkins, Matt Lewandowsky, Krishna Alluri, James T. Caldwell, Eileen Klegg, Ben de Vries, Chris Richardson, Reed Burkhart, Brad deGraf,, Dr. Gita Elgin, Sanda Everette, Nancy Glock-Greuneich, John Graham, Mimi Hui, Katharine-Ellen McKee Jolda, Jim Schuyler, Tiffany Von Emmel, Claudia Welss
Hello All,

This is an important beginning! It is about expressing the concept, structure and nuances of stewardship of life on earth; it can serve as an entry point to the knowledgebases and focused social networks that can be the ultimate organizing and working tool for those who serve humanity and the natural world.

I would like to collectively introduce the people I addressed this to who may be new to the project, to the people who have been creating the project. In this group are pioneers in sustainability, responsible accounting, earth imaging and open computing, and activists and people who care deeply about the fate of the world. Not all may want to participate, but I believe each of you may have some interest in due time.


Mark Roest

Thomas Loeber

Sep 7, 2010, 1:04:58 PM9/7/10
Mark: You just spread a bunch of people's relatively private email addresses.  Are you still a part of the Silicon Valley Solar Power meetup?  I don't see your name there readily as an assistant any more.  I see they still have that defunct Google Calendar up.  I do think you are pointing out something of value here though.  Email group lists are not all that functional a means of communication.

Michael: You started this thread with "Friends."  What comes of something that starts out with presumptuous declaration?  I don't know but I think in our private communications I've seen a proclivity to take things with an extreme interpretation.  That could just be my interpretation and maybe you were just attempting some kind of humorous sarcasm?  There comes a point though when the opposite meaning sarcastic remark is more ill meaning than helpful.  Even the more gullible can take sarcasms as evidence for opposition.  I don't know if you are my friend.  I don't know if I am your friend.  You'd think the purpose of this email group would keep it to friends but tis a strange and complicated world we're in.  Folks are seriously confused all over the place.  For example, some essential part of "sustainability" is liable to necessitate some parts of the network be always strictly not open.  In other words, "open" should not be interpreted as a "free for all" or you find your depending on these linear non-dynamic email discussion lists and other sorely lacking means that facilitate non-peer relationships.  Tis possible such actions will ultimately amount to drooling by toddlers if not outright hostility.  We have much to learn.  We need to experiment with other means of communication and seriously before it is too late.

It's like we're taking dips in a flotation tank and talking about what ever pops up. :~)


Michael Maranda

Sep 7, 2010, 1:41:57 PM9/7/10

Certainly there is no reason for you to accept me as a friend, nor should I go about the world leaving people with the impression that you are my friend.  And I don't.  Oddly, it never comes up.  But I do respect the ideas you have shared with me, and I don't rule out the potential of a future more substantive meaning of that term between us.  

How I choose to address the participants here stems from respect for the kind of work we are doing, and my opinion of how we should engage with each other.  Not that I always live up to my own ideals, clearly.

So, my opening of "Friends" as a greeting is not a message of sarcasm, nor is it my naivete.

I try to offer my messages to the participants in this space in a spirit of friendship.  And I believe the call I am making is to meaningful work and deliberation, not random up and down idea/soup of the day.

I have plenty of occasion for disagreement with my true friends, and that is an important and valued part of our relationships. And I expect the same of those who are in the end, peers and colleagues even if not friends.

So, life is not all "pollyanna" in my view ... there are nuances to openness and structure I take very seriously.

Have a good day, all!


Mark Roest

Dec 13, 2018, 9:31:55 PM12/13/18
to open-sustainability-network, Michael Maranda
Hello Michael and all,

Is anyone doing anything in the Coalition of the Willing these days? Wishing to?

I'm working in a battery, solar, wind and wheel motor startup. I'm advising structural geometry, ultra-high-performance-cement (or concrete), fleet electrification, and vehicle design, tooling and manufacturing groups.

We're getting pretty close to a 400 Wh/kg proof of concept battery -- hand-made, and over double what is typical for the industry. No lithium, cobalt, nickel or rare earth minerals. No fires or explosions. Cheap to make, lasts a long time.

I'm exploring possibilities to both empower the movement and build the market to empower the movement. COTW had or has a lot of useful ingredients for that pursuit. Any inputs from anyone?


Mark Roest

Marketing & International Development
Sustainable Energy Inc.
Board Member, Green Fleets Group
Advisor, Bosch Captive Column, Asante' UHPC,
& Powers Design International
Co-Founder & Research Director,

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