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Coalition Movement Camp this Sunday - CORRECTED TIMES

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Chris Watkins

Oct 9, 2010, 10:51:10 AM10/9/10
to Appropedia community, Open Sustainability Network
Really sorry for the confusion - the actual start is 10 am NY time, or 2pm GMT... which I work out as 9pm Jakarta time, 10pm Singapore time, and 12 midnight on the Australian east coast. f I've got any of those wrong let me know :-).

Coalition Movement Camp: Online Work Party, Sunday 10/10/10

October 9th, 2010 at 12:40 am October 9th, 2010 at 12:40 am by Chriswaterguy · Edit

Correction: I had the wrong times here before - partly because of my own incompetence with timezones, and partly because of someone else saying EST instead of EDT (glad I'm not the only one that gets confused). Corrected and clarified now.

Only a few  hours to go until the Coalition Movement Camp 10/10/10 Work Party - it runs 10 am to 10 pm EDT (that's current NY time), i.e. 2pm to 2am GMT. GMT sometimes gets called UTC now.

This is for all of us who want a new information-action ecology, for tackling climate change, and enabling the environmental knowledge, innovation and climate action communities.

Here in Jakarta it's 10 pm to 10 am, so I'll be taking a nap in the middle, and I have my caffeine sources on standby. For many of you the hours will be better than that, so sign up at and stay informed, and there'll be more info on that page when the day arrives, with chatrooms and video links.

There are a growing number of sessions, all about collaborating on tackling climate change. There's one on green knowledge trusts (focused on green wikis) co-facilitated by Appropedia, and there are plenty more, including:
Opening session:  Coalition Brainstorm. Be ready to think big picture!

  1. What existing sites/services perform the kinds of functions described in the film? What additional functions are required?
  2. What might be achieved by linking these sites/services (i.e. interoperability)? What are the challenges?
  3. What social/ethical protocols are required to sustain creative collaboration between different online audiences (e.g., activists, innovators, green wiki enthusiasts, and so on)?

2 hours into the meeting (4pm GMT, 12pm NY time), it's How Cooperatives Can Save the Planet, facilitated by CoopAgora (online advocates of cooperative culture) and the JAK bank (a cooperative, interest-free, institution). Can the cooperative ideals of these sorts of organizations be used to impact the climate crisis?

3 hours in (5pm GMT, 1pm NY time): The Future of Online Activism. Joe Solomon, social media coordinator for, leads this one.

4 hours in (6pm GMT, 2pm NY time): Metacurrency - the attempt to broaden out the concept of currency beyond money, to totally refigure standing ecologies of production and exchange.

5 hours in (7pm GMT, 3pm NY time): Green Wikis Are Go! We look forward to sharing our experience and vision on building and sharing green knowledge, and hearing yours. Later in the session (probably around 8pm GMT, 4 pm NY time) we'll also be hearing from GreenTribe, a new green directory coming online in October. Join the discussion on the future of online sustainability!

It is not too late to register a session of your own. If you'd like to do this, please email Michael Maranda (tropology at gmail) ASAP.

Can you help us build the Movement Camp?

If you'd like to help -- spread the word around! Please forward this email to anyone you know who might be interested, and ask them to pass it on too! If you can think of suitable mailing lists or discussion groups, post a short summary and link to the Movement Camp sign up form. The busier and more diverse we can make this event, the more productive and exciting it will be for all of us and for our planet.

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
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