Integration to other CAD systems

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Aug 11, 2022, 12:18:02 PM8/11/22
to Open Source CAD
Has anyone ever utilized Tickets CAD as a call-taking app for 911, then had that call data pushed to other agency CADs?
I'm not sure if its a situation where another cad will poll the Tickets database, or Tickets can export XML, or if this is even possible.
Our scenario is that 911 receives a call, enters the basic details in TicketsCAD (they do not have a cad for example). And if the call is for Law Enforcement, that call data is written to an XML, which is picked up on polling by another cad and a call created.

Thanks for any insight!

Robert Filipovich

Aug 11, 2022, 12:38:26 PM8/11/22
Usually that is called bonding, not sure I have seen the use case discussed but it would be easily possible, just some code to do export. Interested in seeing the responses if it's already in the system. 

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Arnie Shore

Aug 11, 2022, 6:46:36 PM8/11/22
Guys, re " ... just some code to do  ... "  So how many of you have been waiting for just some code to  ... ?

Another point:  The Good Lord must love standards, since He made so many of them. 😁  Interoperability standards, anyone?
While DHS talked about that about a year ago in, I'm not aware of anything other than vendor-specific attempts.

Sorry to be so negative.  The idea is great of course, but there's good reasons why implementations are lacking so far.  (At least to my knowledge!)


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