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'Forbidden' from using the Permissions management tool

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Andrea Engelstad

Apr 29, 2015, 5:30:41 PM4/29/15

I am a fairly new user to Ubuntu 14.04 (keep that in mind) and have had quite the frustrating install of OSF. I was able to troubleshoot the virtuoso errors and have it most of the way there, but still seem to be having some web services issues. 

I am currently having permissions issues with getting my ontologies loaded into my drupal site. I have seen several threads about this, and my issue is similar, but I can't even get past the first step listed in most of those threads because I can't successfully use any of the pmt commands. I had previously been getting a series of WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-103 errors in the terminal, then decided to just try reinstalling the PMT. I had many connection errors and that "could not find" message. I was able to reinstall it by naming version 3.0.0 specifically.

Since reinstalling the PMT, I now get something like the error below when I try to list the existing groups or do any other command shown in the -help documentation. 

andi@katkin:~$ sudo pmt --list-groups
[sudo] password for andi: 

Can't list groupsForbidden<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>                <error>                  <id>WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101</id>                  <webservice>/ws/auth/lister/</webservice>                  <name>Unauthorized Request</name>                  <description>Your request cannot be authorized for this web service call</description>                  <debugInformation></debugInformation>                  <level>Fatal</level>                </error>                
Debug file: /tmp/42f48ffa5f795ac708d03246dc08d2b4.error

Here is the debug file text:

   'endpoint' => 'auth/lister/',
   'method' => 'get',
   'mime' => 'resultset',
   'timeout' => 0,
   'resultset' => NULL,
   'network' => 'http://localhost/ws/',
   'supportedMimes' => 
  array (
    0 => 'text/xml',
    1 => 'application/json',
    2 => 'application/rdf+xml',
    3 => 'application/rdf+n3',
    4 => 'application/iron+json',
    5 => 'application/iron+csv',
    6 => 'resultset',
   'httpStatus' => '403',
   'httpStatusMessage' => 'Forbidden',
   'httpStatusMessageDescription' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>                <error>                  <id>WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101</id>                  <webservice>/ws/auth/lister/</webservice>                  <name>Unauthorized Request</name>                  <description>Your request cannot be authorized for this web service call</description>                  <debugInformation></debugInformation>                  <level>Fatal</level>                </error>                ',
   'appID' => 'administer',
   'apiKey' => 'some-key',
   'params' => 
  array (
    'mode' => 'groups',
    'target_webservice' => 'all',
    'interface' => 'default',
   'error' => 
     'id' => 'WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101',
     'level' => 'fatal',
     'webservice' => '/ws/auth/lister/',
     'name' => 'Unauthorized Request',
     'description' => 'Your request cannot be authorized for this web service call',
     'debugInfo' => '',


When attempting to upload in drupal I also get this message:

Do you have any idea why I can't use the PMT commands?

Thanks for the help,


Frederick Giasson

Apr 30, 2015, 11:22:38 AM4/30/15
Hi Andrea,

I am a fairly new user to Ubuntu 14.04 (keep that in mind) and have had quite the frustrating install of OSF.

Sorry to heard that, what were the problems?

I was able to troubleshoot the virtuoso errors and have it most of the way there, but still seem to be having some web services issues.

Ok, to resume, when you are getting an error:

   (1) WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-103, it means that the security token doesn't match. This means that you probably have a App-ID/Key configuration issue
   (2) WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101, it means that the requester (user) doesn't have the rights to access the dataset for the action he wants to perform on it (create, read, update or delete)

So, it looks like that you are getting a WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-103 error with the PMT because the pmt.ini file is probably not configured with the proper App-ID and Key. Make sure the proper one is configured properly in that file.

About the WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101 error, once you have the PMT working, you will have to make sure that the user URI "http://localhost/user/1" belong to a Group that have Create access on the "http://localhost/wsf/ontologies/" dataset.

Hope it helps,



Andrea Engelstad

Apr 30, 2015, 4:39:50 PM4/30/15
Hi Fred,

Thanks for getting back to me.

The bad news is that the linux half of my computer crashed and wasn't recoverable. But the good news is that after reinstalling and upgrading ubuntu I made it much farther into the installation process before any real errors.

So same as last time, I got an error when trying to create the OSF Web Services Network


Create the WSF Network...
cd /usr/share/osf-installer
sed -i 's>server_address = "">server_address = "http://localhost">' "resources/virtuoso/initialize_osf_web_services_network.php"
sed -i 's>appID = "administer">appID = "administer">' "resources/virtuoso/initialize_osf_web_services_network.php"

The OSF Web Services Network couldn't be created. Major Error.
Commit transactions to Virtuoso...
Couldn't commit triples to the Virtuoso triples store...
Create Data & Ontologies folders...
mkdir -p "/data/ontologies/files/"
mkdir -p "/data/ontologies/structure/"
Download the core OSF ontologies files...


Then a block of red error messages after it tried to load each ontology file.

After it ran the tests I got this message:

Tests: 748, Assertions: 835, Failures: 684.

I have attached my install log. What is the best way to troubleshoot the WSF Network failing?


Andrea Engelstad

Apr 30, 2015, 5:00:05 PM4/30/15
I am also curious if I should go ahead with the drupal installer or if I should resolve this first.



Frederick Giasson

May 1, 2015, 8:21:54 AM5/1/15
Hi Andrea!

The problem is with Virtuoso. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be
working. The first problem was:

Couldn't grant the SPARQL_UPDATE role to the SPARQL user automcatilly.
Log into Conductor to add that role to that user otherwise the OSF
instance won't be operational...
Configuring virtuoso.ini...

Then you had other issues like:

Couldn't commit triples to the Virtuoso triples store

However, the installation of Virtuoso seems good (without errors). What
is the server that you are depoying on?

Also, you should try to:

(1) check if Virtuoso is currently running: "ps -elf | grep virtuoso"
(2) if it is not, restart it: "/etc/init.d/virtuoso start"
(3) in any case, check for the Virtuoso log file: "vim
/usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.log" (or
find it using the "find" command)

You problem is really Virtuoso, and this is what need to be investigated.



Frederick Giasson

May 1, 2015, 8:22:17 AM5/1/15

> I am also curious if I should go ahead with the drupal installer or if
> I should resolve this first.

No, if OSF doesn't work, OSF for Drupal won't neither



Andrea Barber

May 5, 2015, 12:28:53 PM5/5/15
Hi Fred,

Thanks for your help pinpointing the issue to Virtuoso.

Here is a little snippet below. I have been getting this message sometimes when I try to start virtuoso ("The VDBMS server process terminated prematurely
after starting up."). Usually if I use the stop command and then the start command it finally starts successfully:

andi@squarebox:/$ sudo ps -elf | grep virtuoso
[sudo] password for andi: 
1 S root     21243  1712  0  80   0 - 376420 futex_ Apr30 ?       00:00:17 /usr/bin/virtuoso-t -c virtuoso +wait
0 S andi     23610 20969  0  80   0 -  3987 pipe_w 10:14 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto virtuoso
andi@squarebox:/$ /etc/init.d/virtuoso start
Starting OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition: The VDBMS server process terminated prematurely
after starting up.
andi@squarebox:/$ /etc/init.d/virtuoso start
Starting OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition: The VDBMS server process terminated prematurely
after starting up.
andi@squarebox:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/virtuoso start
Starting OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition: The VDBMS server process terminated prematurely
after starting up.
andi@squarebox:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/virtuoso stop
Stopping OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition: virtuoso.
andi@squarebox:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/virtuoso status
 is  not running.
andi@squarebox:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/virtuoso start
Starting OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition: virtuoso.
andi@squarebox:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/virtuoso status
 is running

I found my virtuoso.log file here: 
andi@squarebox:/$ sudo find -name virtuoso.log

It is attached. 

Thank you!




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Frederick Giasson

May 6, 2015, 8:45:26 AM5/6/15
Hi Andrea
It appears that you were trying to start virtuoso when it was still
running. However, it is possible that it was not running but that the
virtuoso.lck file was still there. What you should do when this happens is:

(1) Check if Virtuoso is running "ps -elf | grep virtuoso"
(2) If it is not, then check for the lock file: "find / -name
(3) If you find that file, then delete it and restart Virtuoso

But otherwise, I don't see any other issues with Virtuoso based on that
log file.

The problem you had is that Virtuoso was not operational/running during
the OSF installation.

What is the server you are deploying it on? (the size of the server, and
the linux distribution?)



Shan Wan

Jun 30, 2017, 9:54:48 AM6/30/17
to Open Semantic Framework

在 2015年4月30日星期四 UTC+8下午11:22:38,Frederick Giasson写道:

Ok, to resume, when you are getting an error:

   (1) WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-103, it means that the security token doesn't match. This means that you probably have a App-ID/Key configuration issue
   (2) WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101, it means that the requester (user) doesn't have the rights to access the dataset for the action he wants to perform on it (create, read, update or delete)

So, it looks like that you are getting a WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-103 error with the PMT because the pmt.ini file is probably not configured with the proper App-ID and Key. Make sure the proper one is configured properly in that file.

About the WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101 error, once you have the PMT working, you will have to make sure that the user URI "http://localhost/user/1" belong to a Group that have Create access on the "http://localhost/wsf/ontologies/" dataset.

I am encountering the  WS-AUTH-VALIDATION-101 error when I click 'Ontologies' in admin menu, then what should I do to make sure what you said?

Hope it helps,




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