Build error - boringssl missing files

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Jack Wu

Jan 30, 2022, 1:43:33 AM1/30/22
to Open Profile for DICE

I am having build error when  "ninja -C out"  after source

open-dice (master)$ ninja -C out
ninja: error: '../third_party/boringssl/src/crypto/asn1/f_enum.c', needed by 'host_fuzz/obj/third_party/boringssl/src/crypto/asn1/crypto.f_enum.c.o', missing and no known rule to make it

I have tried to checkout boringssl to older release version ( fips-20180730 ), however there will be another missing crypto/black2 error.

Is there any specific boringssl version we should checkout to ?

Here is my current code version:
opendice: 87be81258fde167ebcd7ba2749803406b0c3935b
pigweed:  ffe6c3ea1134a3c7e14409d9a800af728b3683d0
boringssl: 123eaaef26abc278f53ae338e9c758eb01c70b08

Distributor ID:     Ubuntu
Description:        Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release:               20.04


Andrew Scull

Jan 30, 2022, 8:41:39 AM1/30/22
to Jack Wu, Open Profile for DICE
I just checked out and built the most recent version without trouble. I was also unable to find the opendice sha you gave. If you create a fresh checkout, do you have the same problem?

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Jack Wu

Jan 30, 2022, 10:35:18 AM1/30/22
to Open Profile for DICE
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the reply. I just restarted and still happened the boringssl f_enum.c not found issue.
The attached find my log all execution log and patch file that I fix some setting error on my build

Is there any missing or some error on my steps?


Andrew Scull 在 2022年1月30日 星期日上午5:41:39 [UTC-8] 的信中寫道:

Andrew Scull

Jan 30, 2022, 5:59:08 PM1/30/22
to Jack Wu, Open Profile for DICE
You shouldn't have to manually clone the other repos, they are submodules and the bootstrap script will sync the appropriate version. Just git clone, run and then build.

Jack Wu

Jan 31, 2022, 2:19:48 AM1/31/22
to Open Profile for DICE
If I dont manullay clone the submodule, there will be missing files from third_party folder.
Like this error:

user@ubuntu:~/workspace/open-dice$ source
fatal: cannot change to 'third_party/mbedtls/src': No such file or directory
bash: third_party/pigweed/src/ No such file or directory
gn: command not found

Not sure if there is any missing from my steps.
Or do I have to add something like git submodule sync to to download the third_party source ?


Andrew Scull 在 2022年1月30日 星期日下午2:59:08 [UTC-8] 的信中寫道:

Andrew Scull

Jan 31, 2022, 8:40:21 AM1/31/22
to Jack Wu, Open Profile for DICE

Maybe try running the bootstrap commands manually to see if something goes wrong.

Jack Wu

Jan 31, 2022, 10:59:57 AM1/31/22
to Open Profile for DICE
I think the problem that I am having is that "git submodule update --init" is actullay doing nothing when I manully run the command. ( expect to clone submodule right ? )
And neither does "git submodule update --init --recursive" works.

Do you have any idea on that ?


Andrew Scull 在 2022年1月31日 星期一上午5:40:21 [UTC-8] 的信中寫道:

Andrew Scull

Jan 31, 2022, 11:08:07 AM1/31/22
to Jack Wu, Open Profile for DICE
I see, my eyes glossed over your clone command so missed you were taking the AOSP fork and not the upstream repo. The AOSP fork doesn't have the submodules as that interferes with the rest of AOSP. Try `git clone` instead and that should give you more luck.

Jack Wu

Jan 31, 2022, 12:04:53 PM1/31/22
to Open Profile for DICE
It works fine now. Appreciate for the help :)

Andrew Scull 在 2022年2月1日 星期二上午12:08:07 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:
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