EMML Reference Runtime

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Sep 21, 2010, 10:17:39 AM9/21/10
to Open Mashup Alliance Interest Group

I need to use the reference runtime in my project but I need to change
the web.xml servlet mapping and want the runtime to process a specific
pattern of URLs. For that I guess I need to change code in the servlet
processing logic. Hence, please advice how to do it without source
code or if there is anyway I could access the source code of the
reference runtime

Thanks in advance.

Deepak Alur

Sep 21, 2010, 12:37:32 PM9/21/10
to Open Mashup Alliance Interest Group
Typically, you would have your own web application and your own
web.xml to take care of your unique needs.
The EMML RI would be untouched as it would stand on its own to run
your mashups.
Since this is only a reference implementation, it is not recommended
for commercial use.
Can you share any information on your project and how you are planning
to use the EMML RI?


Sep 21, 2010, 1:06:57 PM9/21/10
to Open Mashup Alliance Interest Group
Thanks for the tips. I would try to implement as mentioned and get
back if required.
As part of the project I need to parse the XML files generated by RI
and format them back to the client. Hence, I need to incorporate the
RI jars into my project and use them to dynamically generate XMLs from
the EMMLs.

Now there is another hurdle which I need to overcome about which I
asked a question in StackOverflow and as expected never got any
answer. If you could look into the same and help me then it would be
really great. The link to the question is

Thanks again in advance.

Alexi Polenur

Sep 21, 2010, 1:52:41 PM9/21/10
to open-mashu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Kaushik,

It is not clear (at least to me) what you are trying to do, that is why you might get no answer
on stackoverflow. 

You are saying that you need to "generate XML from EMML".

EMML is a DSL (special purposes programming language) which syntactically expressed as XML dialect.
So sounds that you want to convert one XML dialect (EMML) to another.
Wondering what is the purpose and what is this target XML dialect is ?

Similarly from "stackoverflow" you want to convert EMML to HTML and back.
Wondering what is this HTML shows ? The only thing which comes to my mind 
would be UI for developing EMMLs similar to Yahoo Pipes or JackBE Wires.

There will not going to be "generic library" to do it, because such conversion is specific to UI you building.
However you can always use XML tolls (XSLT etc) since EMML is an XML.

Regards, Alexi 


Sep 21, 2010, 3:03:50 PM9/21/10
to Open Mashup Alliance Interest Group
EMML is a design time dialect which needs execution so as to have any
meaning to the end user. RI does that and produce resulting XMLs. My
question was to incorporate the standalone RI within my project which
I successfully could achieve as per the tips provided above. Thanks
Alur for that. That was my question in this forum.

Now on the stackoverflow's query, it was on another part to my project
which would try to do something similar to what Pipes or Wires does
i.e. converting HTML markup to EMML dialect so that it could be run
using RI. I understand that there could not be a generic solution to
this problem but frameworks are for such kind of situations esp. JS
framework or plugin. I am expecting a kind of JS library which would
check for relevant class names in HTML markup and could convert them
to EMML markup. Which I am sure Wires also does. EMML creation is
something which I feel is really an important aspect of the EMML
evangelization as it's always easier to do it either using some tools
(like Wires) or via some APIs or Frameworks. My question was - is
there any thing available currently in this regard or are there any
future plans?

I hope I could clear myself. Thanks anyway.
> >http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3719892/creating-emml-markup-from-...
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