About EMML

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Feb 24, 2010, 11:24:45 PM2/24/10
to Open Mashup Alliance Interest Group

I have used EMML for creating mashups. I am getting interested in the
implementation details of EMML itself. With the zip file that is
available for download, we just have jars and classes and sample EMML
Scripts. Looking at EMML.jar it seems that every tag calls up a class.
Responsibility on every tag is fulfilled by calling the class. Is it
like creating a Bean and calling it?

Does EMML use dependency injection kind of thing? If yes, then when
and how?

I know these are out-of-the-blue questions, but still i asked coz that
was coming into my mind since I used EMML. And one more reason for
asking about these details is because, directivoke tag is the most
fascinating tag I saw, I am amazed seeing that for calling any kind of
service or for getting and html page as a source or gettting data from
RSS feed, or posting something, for every invocation to the outside
world we are using just simple directinvoke? How does that happen?

May I call these tags as pattern for mashups? If yes then these are
enough patterns for whole mashup thing? EMML is a DSL for Mashups, so
definitely these patterns are for Mashups i know. But how these
patterns came up and how they fulfill their responsibilities?

Please help,

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