Plus Code to Address String Conversion

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Pankaj Raina

Jul 30, 2020, 6:33:32 AM7/30/20
to Plus Codes Community Forum
Can we convert Plus Codes to corresponding address strings using OLC in python.

Please help in this.


Barry Hunter

Jul 30, 2020, 7:00:58 AM7/30/20
to Pankaj Raina, Plus Codes Community Forum
Not on its own. Need a (Reverse) Geocoder. 

Can convert a Plus Code to lat/long coordinates purely in code (unless it's a 'shortened' code, then may need a geocoder to decode the 'Locality Reference' - unless can deduce it from local context)

Once have coordinates can then use a Reverse Geocoder to convert to a 'Address String'. This can't typically be done in pure python because it needs a database of places/gazetteer to synthesise the address. 

Ironically PlusCodes are kinda intended to be an alternative to address. To be an identifier for places that dont have 'formal' addresses; in countries that have a formal addressing system, probably dont need a Plus Code. 
... i.e. places that dont have addresses (ie a reverse geocoder wont work!) is a major 'use case' for plus codes. 

So if someone is using a plus code to refer to a place, it seems a fair chance that it means that an actual 'address' doesnt really exist, and as such trying to convert to a 'address string' will likely fail. (or a smart reverse geocoder would create the address using a plus code, bringing you full circle) 

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