Yes, exactly that is what I want to achieve.
Am 15.02.19 um 20:48 schrieb 'Martin Brechtelsbauer' via open-lighting:
> Hi,
> I would like to raise a single ola-trigger event when a certain
> channel rises above or lowers below a certain DMX value.
> Point is: only a single event. When I specify only one DMX value like:
> 4 128 +`echo 'rising'`
> 4 127 -`echo 'falling'`
> it could easily happen that the trigger is not raised because the
> fader was moved too fast.
> Otherwise, if I specify an area of DMX values, it could be raised
> multiple times.
> Is there any workaround?
> Thx
> --
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Hi Peter,
at the moment I try to compile OLA from GIT at Raspian Stretch. This takes some time...
Maybe I am able to do some modifications by myself and will try
to contribute to the community.
Using a wrapper script like you mentioned would also be a
Anyway, thanks for your suggestions and comments.
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I tried now to use a wrapper script to get forward. But no luck :-(
Why do I get that?
common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:153: protocol mismatch 0 != 1
common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:392: Failed to parse RPC
common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:193: Errors detected on RPC channel,
common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:374: read header error: Resource
temporarily unavailable
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