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OLA-Trigger event

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Martin Brechtelsbauer

Feb 15, 2019, 3:41:12 PM2/15/19
to open-lighting

I would like to raise a single ola-trigger event when a certain channel rises above or lowers below a certain DMX value.
Point is: only a single event. When I specify only one DMX value like:

4   128   +`echo 'rising'`
4   127    -`echo 'falling'`

it could easily happen that the trigger is not raised because the fader was moved too fast.
Otherwise, if I specify an area of DMX values, it could be raised multiple times.

Is there any workaround?


Peter Newman

Feb 16, 2019, 5:05:05 AM2/16/19
to open-lighting
So to put it another way Martin, what you actually want to happen is:
When channel transitions from below 128 to above 128, fire rising once
When channel transitions from above 128 to below 128, fire falling once
When channel changes within the upper or lower band, do nothing

Is that correct?

Martin Brechtelsbauer

Feb 16, 2019, 5:41:02 AM2/16/19
to 'Martin Brechtelsbauer' via open-lighting
Yes, exactly that is what I want to achieve.

Am 15.02.19 um 20:48 schrieb 'Martin Brechtelsbauer' via open-lighting:
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Peter Newman

Feb 16, 2019, 9:19:02 AM2/16/19
to open-lighting
Hi Martin,

From a quick look at the code, it doesn't appear you can currently.

It looks like we don't differentiate between an action (with no rising/falling specified) from a falling(?) action:

It will indeed re-trigger each time too.

For now, you could maybe add a wrapper script which sets/clears a flag when it's been triggered until the next one happens. Aside from that, I guess we could extend the syntax to let you specify if you want it to run each time it's within the interval or not.

On Saturday, 16 February 2019 10:41:02 UTC, Martin Brechtelsbauer wrote:
Yes, exactly that is what I want to achieve.

Am 15.02.19 um 20:48 schrieb 'Martin Brechtelsbauer' via open-lighting:
> Hi,
> I would like to raise a single ola-trigger event when a certain
> channel rises above or lowers below a certain DMX value.
> Point is: only a single event. When I specify only one DMX value like:
> 4   128   +`echo 'rising'`
> 4   127    -`echo 'falling'`
> it could easily happen that the trigger is not raised because the
> fader was moved too fast.
> Otherwise, if I specify an area of DMX values, it could be raised
> multiple times.
> Is there any workaround?
> Thx
> --
> The Open Lighting Project:,
> #openlighting (
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Martin Brechtelsbauer

Feb 16, 2019, 3:12:33 PM2/16/19

Hi Peter,

at the moment I try to compile OLA from GIT at Raspian Stretch. This takes some time...

Maybe I am able to do some modifications by myself and will try to contribute to the community.
Using a wrapper script like you mentioned would also be a possibility.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions and comments.


Am 16.02.19 um 15:19 schrieb Peter Newman:
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Peter Newman

Feb 16, 2019, 7:30:17 PM2/16/19
to open-lighting
Hi Martin,

Cool, yeah it can be rather slow on a Pi, you don't have a faster machine you can use then? Something like ccache might help:

There some more docs available:

Feel free to ask if you've got any queries we can help with, and indeed share anything you come up with, even if it's just a wrapper script.

Can you go into your use-case a bit more? It sounds a bit like our GPIO plugin, but not quite:

What are you controlling it with, that potentially causes the repeats.

Pondering a bit further, I wonder if a more generic solution would be something which doesn't re-trigger within an interval/range until you leave it (which could still be combined with the rising/falling stuff). This would also fit well with people doing things like media players, where you load a clip and then play it, so you don't need to re-load it or re-queue it.

Dec 4, 2023, 3:14:36 PM12/4/23
to open-lighting
Hi, sorry to dig up this question again, but now its 4 years gone and of course I forgot everything I did to make it work some time ago. But it worked somehow...
Maybe there is now some functionality to achieve this behaviour?

And regarding your other question: It is Theatre, and yes, its some kind of DMX  (or Artnet) controlled media player.

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Martin Brechtelsbauer

Dec 8, 2023, 4:26:32 PM12/8/23
to '' via open-lighting

I tried now to use a wrapper script to get forward. But no luck :-(

Why do I get that?

common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:153: protocol mismatch 0 != 1
common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:392: Failed to parse RPC
common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:193: Errors detected on RPC channel, closing
common/rpc/RpcChannel.cpp:374: read header error: Resource temporarily unavailable

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