Hi all,
Using OLA, I can find the Command Class of RDM Manufacturer-Specific commands / parameters, using the RDM PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION command (see below shell transcript as an example).
What options are there, to do the same for RDM-Defined commands / parameters?
In more detail: the RDM standard (ANSI E1.20) is explicit in "Table A-3: RDM Categories/Parameter ID Defines" in calling its columns "GET Allowed" and "SET Allowed" - I interpret this as: where both GET and SET are allowed as per standard, an RDM device (a lamp) might choose to enable the GET or SET capabilities of an RDM parameter arbitrarily.
For instance, for the LAMP_HOURS RDM-Defined PID, the standard says "used to retrieve the number of lamp hours or to set the counter in the device to a specific starting value.". So, one device/lamp model may choose to enable only GET of LAMP_HOURS, in which case it would always retrieve lamp hours since the device is produced; another lamp model may choose to enable also the SET, to enable the users themselves to change/reset the value of this counter.
So, say I have a lamp device which I know (via SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS RDM parameter PID) supports LAMP_HOURS, which is an *RDM-Defined* parameter PID; how can I query the device via OLA, whether LAMP_HOURS (or any RDM-defined PID) on this device supports only GET, or both GET and SET?
For *manufacturer-specific* RDM PID's, the situation is easier - here is an example:
* Start OLA, go to configuration webpage
* Click Home, take a note of the highest Universe # in use (say, it is 1)
* Click [Add Universe] button, enter next higher Universe # (so, here 2) in both Universe Id and Universe Name fields / and from Available Ports, choose Dummy Device, click Add Universe
Once Universe 2 is set up with Dummy Device and online, we can do an RDM discovery on this universe with OLA from the command line:
$ ola_rdm_discover -f --universe 2
Let's pick one of these "devices", say the one with RDM UID 7a70:ffffff00, to query for SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS:
$ ola_rdm_get -u 2 --uid 7a70:ffffff00 supported_parameters
0x0070 (product_detail_id_list)
0x0080 (device_model_description)
0x0081 (manufacturer_label)
0x0082 (device_label)
0x0090 (factory_defaults)
0x00e0 (dmx_personality)
0x00e1 (dmx_personality_description)
0x0120 (slot_info)
0x0121 (slot_description)
0x0122 (default_slot_value)
0x0200 (sensor_definition)
0x0201 (sensor_value)
0x0202 (record_sensors)
0x0402 (lamp_strikes)
0x0603 (real_time_clock)
0x0700 (list_interfaces)
0x0701 (interface_label)
0x0702 (interface_hardware_address_type1)
0x0705 (ipv4_current_address)
0x070a (ipv4_default_route)
0x070b (dns_ipv4_name_server)
0x070c (dns_hostname)
0x070d (dns_domain_name)
0x8001 (code_version)
We can see there is one manufacturer-specific command (RDM PID), which is 0x8001 (code_version); we can query info about it on the 7a70:ffffff00 device, using the PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION RDM command/PID:
$ ola_rdm_get -u 2 --uid 7a70:ffffff00 parameter_description 0x8001
PID: 32769
PDL Size: 32
Data Type: ASCII
Command Class: Get
Type: 0
Unit: None
Prefix: None
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 0
Default Value: 0
Description: Code Version
And there we go: the "Command Class: Get" in the response tells me that the Manufacturer-Specific RDM PID 0x8001 (code_version) on this device supports only RDM GET, but **not** RDM SET.
So, I would like to obtain the same kind of information about the RDM-Defined PID, say, LAMP_HOURS - or as the dummy device does not define it, we can use LAMP_STRIKES instead, as an example.
The problem is, the PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION RDM command/PID **by definition** (in the RDM standard) is **only** for Manufacturer-Specific RDM commands/PIDs; so if I try PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION with an RDM-Defined command/PID like 0x0402 LAMP_STRIKES, I get:
$ ola_rdm_get -u 2 --uid 7a70:ffffff00 parameter_description 0x0402
Request NACKed: Data out of range
... nothing (not surprising, in retrospect, given that PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION *by definition* should handle only manufacturer-specific commands, that is RDM PIDs > 0x8000)
So, to summarize: how can I obtain information in OLA command line, whether a given lamp device supports only GET, or only SET, or both, for a given RDM-Defined command/parameter/PID, that the device lists in its SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS?
Thanks in advance for any answers!