My Goal:
To create a web based visual 'editor' for OLA show's, something kind of similar to SoundSwitch in regards to the graphical visualization and DMS editor interaction
(though I despise how SoundSwitch' displays / visualizes multiple DMX channels as
seperate tracks, of which more than 4 DONT fit on the screen simultaneously.
I've been trying my hardest to find open source code [pieces of the puzzle in which I'm tryhing to piece together] for the various aspects of what I envision.
Help Sought:
Is anybody able to offer me any suggestions, sample code, or pointers concerning the parsing of ola recordings? My desire is to create and edit the shows, in the original ola recording format.
Has anybody else tried or succeeded in even just parsing and 'visualizing' an ola recording [show file, in it's native ola text format]?
Additional Goal Details:
I.E. I also want to have a web based, built in DMX 3D Visualizer, and have acquired that piece of the puzzle from ASLS. On that topic, ASLS is quite an accomplishment as a web based DMX Lighting Controller with built-in 3D Visualizer,
[for those yet to come across ASLS, will at least have gotten a nice gold nugget out of my question & this post; ASLS
"Powerful Open Source, Web Based, DMX Lighting Control Software & Visualizer"] ASLS Studio (
Note that ASLS is mostly undocumented, and I have yet to personally figure it out, to the point of successfully implementing it in our environment (running OLA), and have unsuccessfully reached out to it's creator Time Kidel. ASLS Studio (
Puzzle Pieces of Code Collected:
PocketVJ - Much more web based code & scripting re: control over OLA show recordings and OLA recordings playback along with audio/video.
ASLS - web based DMX Controller along with builtin web based DMX Lighting 3D Visualizer
HighCharts - graph visualization librarys for creating the scatterplot line graphs
What I envision, is visually displaying an OLA recording [aka show] as a visual scatterplot line graph, similar to picture attached hereto. And having MULTIPLE different line graphs of different colors, which will represent different DMX channels, with each of these lines/channels as having editable [draggable] node points along the graph line.
The scatterplot line graph will be editable in much the same way as in SoundSwitch, whereby clicking anywhere along the graphs line will INSERT additional node points of which are then DRAGGABLE.
Thank you in advance,