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Question: fan out pattern

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Stefan Schmelz

Mar 21, 2024, 3:42:35 PM3/21/24
Hey Folks,
I would like to implement a fan out pattern with ola. 

I need one dmx universe to be sent out via multiple interfaces at the same time.

I am hosting a pen and Paper event that I would like to have ambient and effect lighting for. But I don't want to buy lots of cables for the event, so I built like 10 or 15 art net nodes with esp32 boards and 2-3 artnet Pixel strip controllers with raspberry pi pico wireless boards. Each Pixel controller has 8 channels with 25 universes each.

And I would like to have one universe for all my esp32 artnet nodes. Each will control about 4-5 rgbw lights (30-40 channels each) and I would prefer to have as few universes as possible, so I'd like to have one universe and send each message to multiple nodes.

The Pixel controllers could have 200 universes each. Performance is not an issue on the rp2040 chip, since I reserved a 510 byte block per universe per channel and have dma send the commands over the programmable io statemachines with next to no cpu overhead. I would have done more but ram is an issue in this case. I am using artnet, because I don't intend to run them as pixel displays, but as Strips for accent lighting and effect lighting.

So you see that this show could potentially have a lot of universes and so I would like to save as many as I can. 

And feel free to give me some suggestions how I could make the pixel controllers less shit to work with. 

E.S. Rosenberg

Mar 21, 2024, 4:59:31 PM3/21/24
I'm probably missing something but on the off chance that this is helpful, if you want the same DMX universe to control all your kit just define all the kit to respond to that universe.
Also if the LED strips are just ambient light why control them as pixels and not just as single units that change color in one go?

Op do 21 mrt 2024 om 21:42 schreef Stefan Schmelz <>:
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Stefan Schmelz

Mar 21, 2024, 5:07:32 PM3/21/24
I tried assigning multiple interfaces to the same ola universe but it seems that I'm either doing something wrong, my code is broken, or I messed something else up.

And I was to to control them as pixels, because I want some parts to be animated. And I don't really know how to do this besides controlling all of them as pixels. 

E.S. Rosenberg

Mar 21, 2024, 5:52:26 PM3/21/24

Op do 21 mrt 2024 om 23:07 schreef Stefan Schmelz <>:
I tried assigning multiple interfaces to the same ola universe but it seems that I'm either doing something wrong, my code is broken, or I messed something else up.
For the non-pixel devices you should be able to on the artnet node choose to listen for universe X and just say that all listen to the same eg. 0/1 then you don't need to do anything on the OLAd side.
For the pixels I guess you could do the same thing *if* their layouts and animation needs match.

Jannis Achstetter

Mar 21, 2024, 6:01:23 PM3/21/24
Hi :)

I'm not sure what exactly you mean with "fan out". However, let me try
to re-cap what I understood from your plan:

The ESP-32 boards all share the same DMX universe (512 channels). It
should not be a problem when using ArtNet broadcast mode, assuming your
network hardware + software (Wireless AP and ESP32) supports it
properly. This can be quite easily found out using wireshark or similar
tools. If all goes well, OLA sends the universe to the broadcast address
and all ESP32 receive and process the values. If broadcast is not
working, you should be able to configure multiple outputs for one universe.

Regarding the "pixel controllers": I don't see a huge problem of
addressing the individual pixels. I'm a bit confused about the amount. I
can read something with "2-3 boards" with 25 or 200 universes each? Do
you plan to have one universe per GPIO pin?
and how many pixels do you actually use per universe? If we are talking
RGB, that would be 170 pixels per universe, so 4250 pixel in total
(assuming 25 universes per board). If you use less pixels per GPIO pin,
I would also suggest to use fewer DMX universes and make sure that
certain parts of the universe go to specific GPIO pins.

So assuming you want 3 Pico W boards with 20 strings and 40 pixels each
(arbitrarily chosen), that would make:
- 1 Universe for ALL ESP32 boards (broadcast or multiple outputs)
- 5 Universes for EACH Pico W board (you can pack 4 strings with 40 RGB
pixels each into one universe. Since you might have 20 strings per
boards, that would make 5 universes). Those can go to each board via
unicast, no broadcast needed here

In total 1 + 5*3 = 16 universes

Anything I got wrong?


Am 21.03.24 um 22:07 schrieb Stefan Schmelz:
> I tried assigning multiple interfaces to the same ola universe but it
> seems that I'm either doing something wrong, my code is broken, or I
> messed something else up.
> And I was to to control them as pixels, because I want some parts to be
> animated. And I don't really know how to do this besides controlling all
> of them as pixels.
> E.S. Rosenberg < <>>
> schrieb am Do., 21. März 2024, 21:59:
> Hey,
> I'm probably missing something but on the off chance that this is
> helpful, if you want the same DMX universe to control all your kit
> just define all the kit to respond to that universe.
> Also if the LED strips are just ambient light why control them as
> pixels and not just as single units that change color in one go?
> HTH,
> Eli
> Op do 21 mrt 2024 om 21:42 schreef Stefan Schmelz
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Peter Newman

Mar 23, 2024, 8:36:06 PM3/23/24
to open-lighting
8 channels with 25 universes each - Do you mean 8 pins here, rather than DMX slots/channels?

This PR would allow some effects e.g. chasing segments, by having one universe of data in mapping to multiple blocks of pixels out:

There are some OLA Art-Net settings around broadcast, maybe they need changing/enabling to get your code/pixel controllers working?

Things like wled running on the microcontroller would also allow effects, which I believe can be controlled by the incoming sACN/Art-Net data to generate individual pixel data from a few channels of incoming control data.

Stefan Schmelz

Mar 24, 2024, 2:29:27 AM3/24/24
Never mind my idea. I did some research about open pixel control and realized that I could use it anyways. Now I need to implement the protocol in C++ for my rp2040.

And yes it is 8 pio channels so 8 pins. 

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