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Missing C++ librarys in Lubuntu 22.04

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Jan Esdor

Sep 12, 2023, 4:07:02 PM9/12/23
to open-lighting
Hi, I finally managed to install a running OLA-Webserver with an ENTTEC DMX USB Pro. I can change the colours of a spot when I push the virtual sliders. So far so good.
But when I want to compile a C++ Program, the libs are missing. There's no file like 'libola.pc' in my filesystem, so I can't include e.g. <ola/DmxBuffer.h>.
It's a fresh Lubuntu 22.04 and I installed the binary (version 0.10.8) via deb.
Could anyone tell me how to get the libraries, please?

Jan Esdor

Sep 12, 2023, 4:54:01 PM9/12/23
to open-lighting
Half an hour after posting the question I found the desired package at, installed it with apt install libola-dev and everything worked fine.
Problem solved!

Peter Newman

Sep 13, 2023, 6:22:04 AM9/13/23
to open-lighting
Excellent, glad you've sorted it, yeah most Debian based systems have a separate -dev package with the headers and .pc files etc in, so people who don't want to compile from scratch don't need to install the extra stuff.
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