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Using the UART-DMX Plugin

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Mika Heinemann

Aug 7, 2023, 5:34:02 AM8/7/23
to open-lighting

I am trying to include the UART-DMX Plugin into my already existing c++ program to send a DMX Signal to my Spotlight from my Raspberry pi.

I have already used the olad to verify that it is possible and it works.

My problem is that I cant seem to find out how to include the plugin, and I also havent found much information on how to use it exactly.

I am sorry for my lack of understanding, this is my first time working with OLA.

E.S. Rosenberg

Aug 8, 2023, 1:48:15 AM8/8/23
I'm not sure that using an OLA plugin in other code is so straight forward, as far as I recall you would probably need to include half of the OLA source and use some of the OLA routines to have it working.

Op ma 7 aug 2023 om 12:32 schreef Mika Heinemann <>:
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Mika Heinemann

Aug 9, 2023, 5:07:23 AM8/9/23
to open-lighting
Thanks! I found a solution for my problem. 

Just writing here to let everyone know i found a solution.

The solution in my situation was just to include only the thread and widget files of the Plugin and then use the functions of the thread for setting the dmx buffer and writing the data to the uart device. 

(I hope thats a good enough explanation for other people that might want to do the same)

Peter Newman

Aug 19, 2023, 7:08:42 AM8/19/23
to open-lighting
Yeah as already mentioned, the design/idea is you'd use our client API to allow your programme to communicate with OLAd and then ensure they're both on the same universe. That also gives you some good troubleshooting, as you can confirm your data is being received correctly by OLA, or manually output test data from OLA. It also means you instantly support any widgets OLA does.

They've also got different licences, IANAL, but using the plugin directly will tie you into the GPL I believe, whereas if you just use our client library you only need to follow the LGPL:
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