New updates for Open Source Medical Platform Project - Eir

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Kevin Hu

Feb 3, 2016, 10:55:14 PM2/3/16
to dev-fxos, b2g-internal, fxos-medical-platform
Hi, everyone,

I am excited to share some summarized latest updates regarding to the open source medical platform project.

[ Codename - Eir ]

We plan to have the codename, Eir, for this medical platform program. In Norse mythology, Eir is a goddess and/or valkyrie associated with medical skill. Eir is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources.

Inline image 2
Menglöð sits with the nine maidens, including Eir, on Lyfjaberg (1893) by Lorenz Frølich.

It's pronounced like "Air". The pronunciation:

We are having intensive discussions and regular meetings with community members, and we put our meeting notes here:

We are also using a Trello board to track high level works:

Inline image 4

If you are interested in working with us, welcome to join us:

[ Pain point analysis & Value proposition ]

These weeks, we had a workshop(led by Morpheus and Mark) to collect common seen pain points from members. Then, based on the pain points, we categorized them into two major groups:
  1. Prevention
  2. Treatment
Inline image 5
Inline image 1
Inline image 3

Then, we summarized all pain points into fewer categories in the above groups:
  1. Prevention
    • Consulting
    • Suggestion
    • Historical Medical Records
  2. Treatment
    • Feel safe
    • Hospitals / Doctors transfer
    • Direction to Hospitals / Doctors
    • Status of Hospitals
    • Diagnosis
    • Health Monitoring
    • Reminder
Then, we went through these items and identified technical obstacles and some prerequisites. Detailed discussions are available in the following meeting notes:

[ Deliverable by this June ]

Later on, we prioritized these items, discuss value propositions, and chose feasible items for short term prove of concept. Yesterday, and today, we(led by Greg Weng and Steve Chung) came out a rough technical architecture, and Wesly Huang will work on a good diagram to display the architecture, and submit required engineering work items into Bugzilla soon.

Inline image 6

Hopefully to come out the prove of concept workable model by this June.
Thank you.

Kevin Hu

Kevin Hu

Feb 4, 2016, 10:46:27 AM2/4/16
to dev-fxos, b2g-internal, fxos-medical-platform,,
I was suggested to include 2 more groups:
Thank you.

Kevin Hu

Eli Perelman

Feb 4, 2016, 11:00:23 AM2/4/16
to Kevin Hu, dev-fxos, b2g-internal, fxos-medical-platform,, CD_allstaff
I'm not sure of the regulations in various countries, but in the US, storage and transmission of sensitive medical data is highly regulated by HIPAA [1]. Just wanted you all to be aware of these regulations that may have implications in your technical architecture.



Eli Perelman

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Elvin Lee

Feb 4, 2016, 1:35:11 PM2/4/16
to Eli Perelman, Kevin Hu, dev-fxos, b2g-internal, fxos-medical-platform,, CD_allstaff
Hi Kevin, has Eir been through the new Product Innovation Process? Just trying to get a sense of where it fits in with the overall strategy here.

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Tony Appleton

Feb 4, 2016, 1:42:35 PM2/4/16
to Elvin Lee, Eli Perelman, Kevin Hu, dev-fxos, b2g-internal, fxos-medical-platform, Connected Cohorts, CD_allstaff
cheers, tony

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Chris Mills

Feb 5, 2016, 3:25:05 AM2/5/16
to Kevin Hu, dev-fxos, b2g-internal, fxos-medical-platform
This sounds really interesting! You’ll have to let me know when/if you need any documentation support from MDN.

Chris Mills
Senior tech writer || Mozilla || MDN || @chrisdavidmills

> On 4 Feb 2016, at 03:54, Kevin Hu <> wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
> I am excited to share some summarized latest updates regarding to the open source medical platform project.
> [ Codename - Eir ]
> We plan to have the codename, Eir, for this medical platform program. In Norse mythology, Eir is a goddess and/or valkyrie associated with medical skill. Eir is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources.
> <600px-Menglo?TH_and_Nine _Maidens_by_Froelich.jpg>
> Menglöð sits with the nine maidens, including Eir, on Lyfjaberg (1893) by Lorenz Frølich.
> It's pronounced like "Air". The pronunciation:
> We have our program Wiki here:
> We are having intensive discussions and regular meetings with community members, and we put our meeting notes here:
> We are also using a Trello board to track high level works:
> <1400px-Fxosmedicaltrello.png>
> If you are interested in working with us, welcome to join us:
> [ Pain point analysis & Value proposition ]
> These weeks, we had a workshop(led by Morpheus and Mark) to collect common seen pain points from members. Then, based on the pain points, we categorized them into two major groups:
> • Prevention
> • Treatment
> <6DD925359774B9F70283E76A96641B544B82BAD2F6AD891331pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg>
> <FE68926099A02AE26E71AE27558E58360AD09A10329B76C6E0pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg>
> <555FA69BEC70700ED774C81EA40EF973D9C58A522A48CBB270pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg>
> Then, we summarized all pain points into fewer categories in the above groups:
> • Prevention
> • Consulting
> • Suggestion
> • Historical Medical Records
> • Treatment
> • Feel safe
> • Hospitals / Doctors transfer
> • Direction to Hospitals / Doctors
> • Status of Hospitals
> • Diagnosis
> • Health Monitoring
> • Reminder
> Then, we went through these items and identified technical obstacles and some prerequisites. Detailed discussions are available in the following meeting notes:
> [ Deliverable by this June ]
> Later on, we prioritized these items, discuss value propositions, and chose feasible items for short term prove of concept. Yesterday, and today, we(led by Greg Weng and Steve Chung) came out a rough technical architecture, and Wesly Huang will work on a good diagram to display the architecture, and submit required engineering work items into Bugzilla soon.
> <DSC_2157.JPG>
> Hopefully to come out the prove of concept workable model by this June.
> Thank you.
> Cheers,
> Kevin Hu
> _______________________________________________
> dev-fxos mailing list

Kevin Grandon

Feb 6, 2016, 11:59:45 AM2/6/16
to Tony Appleton, Elvin Lee, fxos-medical-platform, Eli Perelman, CD_allstaff, dev-fxos, Connected Cohorts, Kevin Hu, b2g-internal
Just FYI you guys are linking to a bunch of internal documents and private groups on a pubic channel. As a contributor it seems strange/annoying. :)


Kevin Hu

Feb 21, 2016, 12:21:29 AM2/21/16
to dev-fxos, b2g-internal, fxos-medical-platform,,
Hi, everyone,

Happy weekend! It's time to share more updates about Eir to all of you here. If you don't know what Eir is, please visit our program Wiki here:

In short, we would like to provide a web based solution to reduce the delay between effective diagnosis, and allow doctors to provide timely diagnosis remotely for bed or house bound patients.

Inline image 3
Thanks for Fang Shih's help on the above image.

[ Potential Market Size and Ecosystem ]

According to a June 2015 study from McKinsey & Company, the economic effect from cloud connected health technology could range between $170 billion to $1.1 trillion a year in the next 10 years. It is the 2nd biggest impact from IoT, much higher than the impact on vehicles, home, logistics, office, retails and more.

The ecosystem includes patients, doctors / hospitals, medical device manufacturers, and also insurance industry and pharma industry. When it comes to cost savings, the insurance industry stands to benefit the most. Insurers will continue to push the technology innovations that reduce the amount of money they pay in claims, totaled more than $250 billion in 2015, according to the US Treasury Department. Solutions  like these are of vital importance to $1 trillion pharma industry. The reason is simple, the sooner the doctors can detect illness, the sooner patients can start taking the drugs they need to manage or cure their conditions.

[ Technical Architecture ]

Recently, we came out the proposed technical architecture. Thanks for Wesly Huang, Greg Weng and Steve Chung to lead the discussion. We uploaded a diagram to the program Wiki:

Inline image 1

You can get completed description from the program Wiki. Next, we will try to dig into details and explore where and how we can improve the security.

[ How to join us? ]

If you are interested in joining us, please refer to our suggestions here:

Please sign up your name here:

Please input your name, email, skills, Bugzilla account, and your country/timezone, then we will know how we can work together. We also have regular meetings, IRC, Google group. Please check our program Wiki for more details.

Suggestions and comments are always very welcome.
Thank you.

Kevin Hu
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