Call for Papers: The IJCAI-09 Workshop on "Identity and Reference in web-based Knowledge Representation" (IR-KR2009)

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Heiko Stoermer

Feb 3, 2009, 7:25:28 AM2/3/09
to Open GUID Discussion
Dear OpenGUID group members,

please allow me to invite you personally to submit a paper to the
workshop on "Identity and Reference in web-based Knowledge
Representation" (IR-KR2009), hosted by the International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), which we are
organizing for this July.

The workshop is the fourth one in a series that so far mostly
addressed the (Semantic) Web community, and is now extending the
target audience also in the area of traditional AI.

We would be very happy to receive your contributions, please find
below the Call for Papers with all details, which you also find in the
workshop website:



IR-KR2009 at IJCAI-09

July 11-13, 2009
Pasadena, CA, USA

The IJCAI-09 Workshop on
"Identity and Reference in web-based Knowledge Representation" (IR-

July 11-13, 2009
Pasadena, California, USA

held at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

-- IR-KR2009 goals --

The goal of this workshop, which in past years was mainly organised
within the Web and Semantic Web (SW) communities (see past editions at
WWW2006, WWW2007, ESWC200q8), is to widen debate on the impact and the
challenges that the notions of *identity* and *reference* in
web-oriented KR poses to some of the core concepts of AI.

-- Background & Description of the workshop --

The Semantic Web initiative advances the idea that the web may become
a space not only for publishing and interlinking documents (through
HTML hyperlinks), but also knowledge bases (e.g. in the form of RDF
graphs) in an open and fully decentralized environment.

Even though models and languages used to implement the nascent
Semantic Web have been taken from long-standing research in AI, SW and
AI have different priorities. While traditionally a strong focus
within AI has been developing theories and code to support sound and
complete reasoning, web-oriented KR has a primary concern of web-wide
information interoperability and integration.

Perhaps the most central issue in reconciling these concernd is the
Principle of Global Identifiers: "global naming leads to global
network effects" (see Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One,
2004, at As for the
web of documents, the overall value of such open and distributed
network of truly interlinked knowledge sources, based on global names,
would be immensely bigger than the sum of the value of the components.

This central role of identity and reference for a web-scale KR poses
new challenges to traditional KR, and many researchers have suggested
that the concept of URI may deeply affect the notions of language
(e.g. the semantics of using the "same" URI in different models),
reference (e.g. rigid vs. non rigid designation), interpretation
(e.g. the meaning of "links" across knowledge bases) & reasoning
(e.g. distributed reasoning across theories) in traditional
logic-based KR in AI. This workshop addresses these challenges.

-- Expected outcome --

The anticipated outcome of the workshop is to assess the state of the
art in the area of Identity and Reference in AI and the SW, and to go
beyond the limited scope of the current Semantic Web, as well as to
discuss and critically evaluate approach and next steps in
implementing and reasoning about identity and reference. It is
expected that the workshop will provide a valuable opportunity for
cross-fertilization across different research communities.

-- Workshop format --

Based on the successful experience in the past workshops on this
topic, the format of IR-KR2009 will be the following:

* a keynote talk that illustrates the importance of the topic
* very short presentations of the accepted papers, to give
participants an overview of the research work of the main
workshop contributors
* presentation of a detailed list of topics to discuss, by the
workshop chair
* extensive, moderated plenary discussion
* collaborative write-up of conclusions and next steps

-- Submissions --

The workshop aims at collecting contributions which can roughly be
grouped as follows:

* Foundations: formal and conceptual theories of identity and
reference for web-oriented KR
* Formal theories: semantics for KR on the web, soundness and
completeness of web-oriented reasoning, semantics of interlinked
* Vision papers: visionary solutions to the problems of identity
and reference in KR
* Project papers: descriptions of research & development projects
in this area
* Experiences: contributions from research and industry that
illustrate case studies or approaches to deal with the issues of
identity and reference on a web-scale
* Critical viewpoints: discussions of advantages and disadvantages
of the proposed approaches

We especially encourage contributions from groups or organizations
which are working on assembling large knowledge-based data collections
in order to compare the different practical solutions which were found
for integrating semantic data from multiple sources.

-- Submission Requirements and Dates --

IR-KR2009 will accept submissions for full papers, posters and
demonstrations. The selection will be based on the significance and
the quality of submissions as well as oriented towards fostering
cross-pollination and discussions during the event. All selected
abstracts will be included in the IJCAI-09 Working Notes. Authors are
kindly requested to provide keywords upon submission. The format for
submissions is the same as that of IJCAI-09. Please check for the style files. Submissions should be no
longer than 5 pages.

- Submission deadline (papers, posters, demos): March 6, 2009
- Notification to authors: April 17, 2009
- Camera-ready version: May 8, 2009
- Workshop dates: July 11-13, 2009

Submissions will be managed through at:

-- Attendance --

Following IJCAI-09 policy, the total number of participants in
IR-KR2009 will be limited to 75 people. This includes organizers, PC
members, invited speakers, authors and attendees. Authors will be
selected based on the significance of their submission and will be
preferred during registration to non-presenting
attendees. Non-presenting attendees will be selected on a
first-come-first-served basis. Please refer to for
the application procedure and fees.

-- Workshop Chair --

Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento [PRIMARY CONTACT]

-- Workshop Organizers --

Marko Grobelnik, IJS, Slovenia

Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh

Frank van Harmelen. VU Amsterdam

Heiko Stoermer. University of Trento

Giovanni Tummarello. DERI Galway

Michael Witbrock, Cycorp Inc

-- Program Committee --

Confirmed members:

Bo Andersson
Karl Aberer
Michael K. Bergman
Dan Brickley
Werner Ceusters
Kendall Clark
Richard Cyganiak
Hugh Glaser
Nicola Guarino
Gregor Hackenbroich
Tom Heath
Alexander Löser
Antonio Maña
Larry Masinter
Bijan Parsia
Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Valentina Presutti
Marta Sabou
Leo Sauermann
Luciano Serafini
Dagobert Soergel
Andraz Tori
Bernard Vatant

Heiko Stoermer
University of Trento, Italy
Dept. of Information Science and Engineering (DISI)

Heiko Stoermer

Mar 9, 2009, 9:09:40 AM3/9/09
to Open GUID Discussion
Dear all,

the deadline has been extended to

March 16th, 2009.

We would really much appreciate a contribution of the OpenGUID group.


On Feb 3, 1:25 pm, Heiko Stoermer <> wrote:
> Dear OpenGUID group members,
> please allow me to invite you personally to submit a paper to the
> workshop on "Identity and Reference in web-based Knowledge
> Representation" (IR-KR2009), hosted by the International Joint
> Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), which we are
> organizing for this July.
> The workshop is the fourth one in a series that so far mostly
> addressed the (Semantic) Web community, and is now extending the
> target audience also in the area of traditional AI.
> We would be very happy to receive your contributions, please find
> below the Call for Papers with all details, which you also find in the
> workshop website:
> Best,
>  Heiko
> =======================
> IR-KR2009 at IJCAI-09
> July 11-13, 2009
> Pasadena, CA, USA
> =======================
> The IJCAI-09 Workshop on
> "Identity and Reference in web-based Knowledge Representation" (IR-
> KR2009)
> July 11-13, 2009
> Pasadena, California, USA
> held at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
> (IJCAI-09)
> -- IR-KR2009 goals --
> The goal of this workshop, which in past years was mainly organised
> within the Web and Semantic Web (SW) communities (see past editions at
> WWW2006, WWW2007, ESWC200q8), is to widen debate on the impact and the
> challenges that the notions of *identity* and *reference* in
> web-oriented KR poses to some of the core concepts of AI.
> -- Background & Description of the workshop --
> The Semantic Web initiative advances the idea that the web may become
> a space not only for publishing and interlinking documents (through
> HTML hyperlinks), but also knowledge bases (e.g. in the form of RDF
> graphs) in an open and fully decentralized environment.
> Even though models and languages used to implement the nascent
> Semantic Web have been taken from long-standing research in AI, SW and
> AI have different priorities. While traditionally a strong focus
> within AI has been developing theories and code to support sound and
> complete reasoning, web-oriented KR has a primary concern of web-wide
> information interoperability and integration.
> Perhaps the most central issue in reconciling these concernd is the
> Principle of Global Identifiers: "global naming leads to global
> network effects" (see Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One,
> 2004, at As for the
> submissions is the same as that of IJCAI-09. Please checkhttp://ijcai-09.orgfor the style files. Submissions should be no
> longer than 5 pages.
> - Submission deadline (papers, posters, demos): March 6, 2009
> - Notification to authors: April 17, 2009
> - Camera-ready version: May 8, 2009
> - Workshop dates: July 11-13, 2009
> Submissions will be managed through at:
> -- Attendance --
> Following IJCAI-09 policy, the total number of participants in
> IR-KR2009 will be limited to 75 people. This includes organizers, PC
> members, invited speakers, authors and attendees. Authors will be
> selected based on the significance of their submission and will be
> preferred during registration to non-presenting
> attendees. Non-presenting attendees will be selected on a
> first-come-first-served basis. Please refer tohttp://ijcai-09.orgfor
> the application procedure and fees.
> -- Workshop Chair --
> Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento [PRIMARY CONTACT]
> -- Workshop Organizers --
> Marko Grobelnik, IJS, Slovenia
> Harry Halpin, University of Edinburgh
> Frank van Harmelen. VU Amsterdam
> Heiko Stoermer. University of Trento
> Giovanni Tummarello. DERI Galway
> Michael Witbrock, Cycorp Inc
> Dept. of Information Science and Engineering (DISI)
> OKKAM id:
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