Hubjects and Open GUID diagram

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Sep 26, 2008, 3:20:01 AM9/26/08
to Open GUID Discussion
I just uploaded a very simple diagram under Files/openguid.pdf (can't
figure how to attach it to the message) showing my current
understanding of how Open GUID is an implementation of my old hubject
notion, going live through "anchoring" in both Web representations and
human language.

Comments welcome. Could be improved and used for OpenGUID presentation/
outreach ...

Sep 26, 2008, 4:43:34 PM9/26/08
to Open GUID Discussion
Sweet, thanks Bernard.

Diagrams would be great for the documentation part of the site.
Although in this case I would need to explain or reference the term
'hubject'. Do you have any copy that explain the concept succinctly?
Or a quick ref on your site?

Bernard Vatant

Sep 29, 2008, 5:02:27 AM9/29/08
Hi Jason
Sweet, thanks Bernard.
Glad you like it

Diagrams would be great for the documentation part of the site.
Although in this case I would need to explain or reference the term
'hubject'.  Do you have any copy that explain the concept succinctly?
Or a quick ref on your site?
Actually, I'm not sure this "hubject" term needs to survive at all. It's a term I coined three years ago and throw on line to feed reflexion on the issue.
If you, and the open GUID community find it relevant, it's open vocabulary. But as said before, my thoughts about it have evolved since, and not sure that pointing to existing resources would help clarifying. If I had to give a definition today, it will be a semiotic one as the one below.

(neologism, 2005, from hub and subject)

A technical implementation of a link between two or more signs (or representations), agreed to have the same referent (representing the same subject). If the signs linked through a hubject are defined in a formal language, the semantics of the linked signs may or may not be consistent with each other, they might convey identical or different significations (views) of the common referent. A hubject has no other declared semantics than the link it provides.
In the Semantic Web, signs linked by hubjects are resources signified by URIs. Having equivalent semantics declared in a Semantic Web language, using constructions such as owl:sameAs or owl:equivalentClass, can be seen as a sufficient condition to be linked to the same hubject, but it is not necessary.

Actually, since Open GUID defines URIs, one can ask the nature and type of the resource identified by such URIs. Hubject is a good candidate for that.
So I would have no problem with introducing the class oguid:Hubject, and have the following declarations   rdf:type   oguid:Hubject

BTW, one thing not  very clear in the current spec, is how the above URI is itself linked to the identical URIs it relates

I find today, dereferencing the URI  oguid:identical

And soon  oguid:identical

So there is some recursivity in a oguid URI definition. It links identical URIs, including itself. Right?


On Sep 26, 1:20 am, bernard <> wrote:
I just uploaded a very simple diagram under Files/openguid.pdf (can't
figure how to attach it to the message) showing my current
understanding of how Open GUID is an implementation of my old hubject
notion, going live through "anchoring" in both Web representations and
human language.

Comments welcome. Could be improved and used for OpenGUID presentation/
outreach ...



Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France
Blog:    Leçons de Choses


Sep 29, 2008, 9:50:38 PM9/29/08
to Open GUID Discussion
Hmm, that is interesting to have a class defined for Open GUIDs.
Although without properties I'm not sure if anyone will get value from

Yes, there will be an RDF file available listing all the known
identical statements. It will contain links from the Open GUID to
each resource declared identical. It will also relate Open GUIDs that
have been determined duplicate. I think with the transitive and
symmetric behavior spelled out in the spec, I would avoid excess
identical statements to itself or between each related URI in the

Though that does bring up the question of whether there is value of
maintaining a repository of all things marked identical, even if there
is no Open GUID defined. I'm not sure.

On Sep 29, 3:02 am, Bernard Vatant <> wrote:
> Hi JasonSweet, thanks Bernard.Glad you like itDiagrams would be great for the documentation part of the site. Although in this case I would need to explain or reference the term 'hubject'. Do you have any copy that explain the concept succinctly? Or a quick ref on your site?Actually, I'm not sure this "hubject" term needs to survive at all. It's a term I coined three years ago and throw on line to feed reflexion on the issue.
> If you, and the open GUID community find it relevant, it's open vocabulary. But as said before, my thoughts about it have evolved since, and not sure that pointing to existing resources would help clarifying. If I had to give a definition today, it will be a semiotic one as the one below.
> Hubject(neologism, 2005, fromhubandsubject)A technical implementation of a link between two or more signs (or representations), agreed to have the same referent (representing the same subject). If the signs linked through a hubject are defined in a formal language, the semantics of the linked signs may or may not be consistent with each other, they might convey identical or different significations (views) of the common referent. A hubject has no other declared semantics than the link it provides.
> In the Semantic Web, signs linked by hubjects are resources signified by URIs. Having equivalent semantics declared in a Semantic Web language, using constructions such as owl:sameAs or owl:equivalentClass, can be seen as a sufficient condition to be linked to the same hubject, but it is not necessary.
> Actually, since Open GUID defines URIs, one can ask the nature and type of the resource identified by such URIs. Hubject is a good candidate for that.
> So I would have no problem with introducing the class oguid:Hubject, and have the following declarations   rdf:type   oguid:Hubject
> BTW, one thing not  very clear in the current spec, is how the above URI is itself linked to the identical URIs it relates
> I find today, dereferencing the URI  oguid:identical
> And soon  oguid:identical
> So there is some recursivity in a oguid URI definition. It links identical URIs, including itself. Right?
> BernardOn Sep 26, 1:20 am, bernard<>wrote:I just uploaded a very simple diagram under Files/openguid.pdf (can't figure how to attach it to the message) showing my current understanding of how Open GUID is an implementation of my old hubject notion, going live through "anchoring" in both Web representations and human language. Comments welcome. Could be improved and used for OpenGUID presentation/ outreach ...--
> BernardVatantSeniorConsultantVocabulary& Data Engineering
> Tel:      +33 (0) 971 488 459
> Mail:
> ----------------------------------------------------Mondeca3, citéNollez75018 Paris France
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