Organized work for non-devs to do

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Boris Mann

Dec 1, 2011, 11:21:24 AM12/1/11
to Open Food Mailing List
I see a number of non-devs signed up. Here is some brainstorming on ideas:

Some thoughts:
* icon work - does it make sense to come up with icons for categories of food?
* data work - what are the top X that people want to source locally? try and find that for some list of source cities (e.g. eggs, milk, bread)
* data work - what are the top X things you'd want to know about a restaurant's sourcing? e.g. where is your meat from? where are your eggs from? come up with a new like Oceanwise, but a more general score for restaurants

Derek, maybe this is something you can take on to organize.


Derek Shanahan

Dec 1, 2011, 1:00:22 PM12/1/11
to Open Food
This is something I'll take on and will spend a bit of time today
mapping out.

I agree with the buckets below. I'll likely organize as follows;

Design - the look and feel of the Open Food Initiative (logo etc)
* Icons / visual language of open food data

Data Work
* Identify the top foodtypes that people want to source within their
* Identify the top sourcing related insights people would like to
have from restaurants (grocers as well?)
* Work on a general 'openness' score/assessment for food businesses

* Identify people/orgs in other cities to network with on this

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