CFP: Semantic Web and Ontologies in Agri-food: Workshop and Hackathon (SWAF 2012)

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Christopher Brewster

Apr 4, 2012, 7:08:53 AM4/4/12
to, Christopher Brewster
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]


Semantic Web and Ontologies in Agri-food: Workshop and Hackathon (Held in conjunction with the SmartAgrimatics Conference (


13/14 July, 2012
Paris, FRance

The workshop will focus on the ways semantic web and related technologies (ontologies, linked data, etc.) can be used across the food and agriculture supply chain to facilitate the exchange of information and enable the creation of additional services for farmers, transporters and processors of food, retailers and final consumers, in effect the whole supply chain. Supply chain integration is a holy grail in many industries but given the specific challenges of the agri-food sector and its importance to society, to the economy, and to the environment, such integration is vital.

Semantic technologies, ontologies and related technologies have grown considerably in maturity in recent years. This workshop seeks papers presenting all aspect of these technologies ranging from position papers to implemented systems and their evaluation. We are particularly interested in examples where semantic technologies are used to cross the boundaries between sub-sectors of the agri-food production and supply chain. Discussions of existing or proposed ontologies are welcome.

The workshop will last all day but is planned in two parts. The morning will be devoted to presentations and working demos until lunch time. After lunch a VoCamp and hackathon session will be run until late where we hope to undertake some hands-on work, possibly guided by the papers presented in the morning. Papers proposing specific tasks for the afternoon are also welcome as lightning talks (10 minutes). We hope to use and connect datasets with each other around a (fictional or real) use case. Depending on the results a final wrap-up might reveal the next steps necessary to organize further cooperation.

Contributions may deal with the following topics (but contributors should not feel constrained):

* requirements for agri-food systems from a semantic/linked data perspective
* theoretical and practical models for the application of semantic technologies in the agri-food domain
* interlinking lean schemas with large thesauri and providing linked open data from legacy agricultural data sources (transformation etc.)
* automated annotation of agricultural information sources
* integration of semantic methods into farm management information systems, software engineering based on ontologies
* agricultural process control and execution based upon information from semantic storage
* using existing open linked data for agri-food smartphone apps
* systems to integrate social media with semantic/linked data systems for agri-food

Abstracts should be submitted of no more than 1000 words, preferably in PDF format.
Please specify if full paper or lightning talk.
Submissions should be made via Easychair:

Papers will be archived online in the Agrixchange website.

Abstract submission deadline: 30th of April 2012
Acceptance notification and feedback: 15th of May 2012
Workshop: within the SmartAgriMatics conference in Paris, 13th/14th of June 2012

Daniel Martini (Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture, KTBL)
Christopher Brewster (Aston University)

Yves Jaques (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, FAO)
Gunnar Grimnes (German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI)
Paolo Castagna (Talis)
Victoria Uren (Aston University)
Caterina Caraciola (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, FAO)

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