OGP Ireland. List of possible actions published.

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Mark O'Toole

Oct 26, 2016, 3:05:32 PM10/26/16
to open-dat...@googlegroups.com
Dear all,

The Dept of Public Expenditure and Reform requested CiviQ to compile an independent list of possible actions based on proposals shared in submissions and civic forums.

This list is now published. Possible actions are listed, together with submissions that are relevant to that action, as well as related civic forum comments.

The table is searchable by keyword.

The department will consider this table, together with other potential actions, with regard to resources currently available to the government, in devising the Draft National Action Plan.

There is the opportunity to comment on this ‘possible list of actions‘ during the second stage consultation on the Draft National Action Plan.

Kind regards.
Mark O'Toole

Flora Fleischer

Oct 29, 2016, 6:14:41 AM10/29/16
to open-dat...@googlegroups.com, open-govern...@googlegroups.com, OGP irl
Hi Mark,

thank you. Does the table show all or just some citizen submissions? I think we need to be able to compare between what's in the table and what has originally been submitted n order to see what didn't make it into the list that DPER will be using.

Not: submissions in my name are listed as coming from both the Kilkenny & Dublin forums, however I only attended the Dublin forum.

Kind Regards,
OK Ireland

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